Wednesday, July 31, 2019
One Minute Manager Essay
The most obvious lesson I learned in how simple management can be. The One Minute Manager Style of Management, at it’s most advanced form is basically the opposite of micromanaging. It is a quick and quick and concise form of management that maxamizes results. It is a technique that can also be taken outside of the work place. One minute Goal Setting is the simplest of the steps to becoming a One Minute Manager. It requires both parties to write down their goals in a short and concise format. One minute praisings are unique because the manager spends considerable time seeking for what an employee does right instead of anticipating the employee to do something wrong. Many of us can remember back to when we were kids and did something to upset our parents. The times that we felt the worst were when our parents acted in a manner consistent with the One Minute Reprimand style. It is imparative that a manager sets clear and concise goals with the employee as soon as the first time on the job. Everytime there is a project the employee(s) should sit down and write goals that do not exceed a page in length, but should also be quantitive. Read and reread each goal periodically, as well as evaluating the employee’s performance. After reading the goal setting procedure it would have saved me many headaches and misunderstandings. It is especially nice because the manager and the employee get a copy of the goals. If the employee ever forgets the goals, he or she can simply look at their one page document. The manager should file the goals so they can be revisited upon the project’s completion to see if goals were met. All of this helps eliminate diffusion of responsibility within the workplace since every employee will have a written statement of what they need to focus on for their project. I recently started using One Minute Appraisals. I started this about 3 months ago. It has benefited me both in my professional and personal life. It has improved my relationship with my girlfriend. She has constantly complained about how I never tell her what she does well. I finally took the intiative and decided to tell her what she does well. I noticed it improved a relationship with a new employee. He is in charge of an â€Å"additional duty.†However, since he is new he felt like he did not know the program as well as he could have. I asked him if he had received the training reltated to the additional duty. He said, â€Å"Yes.†I proceeded to ask him a series of questions he should know. He answered them all correctly and even provided me with information that I did not know. To me, this was impressive because I spent 2 years at this base and 4 months on this additional duty and had never learned what he had just told me. After he gave us all his valuable knowledge I pulled him aside and praised him. I told him that he needs to be more confident and he just provided valuable information to 2 of the most experienced technicians in the shop. Just like the book said he would be, he was surprised. I gave him a very strip down version of the appraisal. I did not however, tell him the benefit he had had towards the shop. I did see the realization in his eyes and the boost in his confidence. I will take what I learned from this book and use it, especially now since I will be held responsible of the training of the 5 newest airmans. One minute reprimand is a very useful tool in a manager’s arsenal. It lets the employee know what he or she did wrong, why it upsets the manager, and why it is not beneficial to the company, all in under one minute. I personally do not like to give one minute reprimands. I usually am disappointed when a fellow employee fails to do what I ask, and simply take it upon myself to do the job correctly. The company would benefit most if I took this fellow employee aside and told him why I am disappointed in him. Part of the blame would be placed on myself because I did not establish written goals with him or her. If there was a scenario where written goals were established, hopefully a one minute reprimand would motivate the employee not to committ the same mistake. The One Minute Goal Setting, One Minute Appraisals, and One Minute Reprimad allows the One Minute Manager to spend adequate time with his employees in order to produce the best results possible. It also opens up time for the manager to focus on the business and create possibilities of growth. The time spent with employees is not about quanitity, it’s about quality. The manager allows the time to create unique expectations for each employee as well as maintain open communication about achievements and disappointmens of employees. This system provides feedback while allowing the employees and the manager to move about things at a quick pace to stay on top of everything. The One Minute Manager is ideal within the workplace due to the level of trust he has established with his employees, and the success he has in all aspects of his life.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
God’s Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology
The book â€Å"God’s Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology†by Elmer Martens discusses the essence of the Old Testament, in which the author offers his own categories from Scripture as text, knowledge of God, deliverance, community and, finally, abundant life. The first section God’s design is discussed in terms of pre-monarchial period stressing the importance and influence of Israel’s history on emergence and development of Christianity. Salvation and deliverance are presented through the Yahweh’s image – a divine warrior. The aspect of community appears as the author draws relations between the people of Israel and the God. Martens argues that the knowledge of God is knowledge of the world’s creation and world’s order which can be found in the prologue in Genesis. The second section discusses the monarchial era and the author applies God’s design template to present or even to prove the validity of his approach. Martens notes that both Hosea and Exodus passages are provided with the same design elements. For example, in monarchial period deliverance was viewed rather differently – actually, Israel established its own army. Instead, the divine warrior is presented in the expressions of the Day of Yahweh. The central point of the section is that people expected for Messiah. The last section is devoted to post-monarchial period. The author refers to tertiary text of Ezekiel. In particular, the author tends to strength the aspect of deliverance and he shows that Yahweh was handing over Israel and he was to be blamed for having got in the hands of enemies. The author views deliverance as the future promise. Only in this period the first community was established in the Israel history. Community is presented as future, whereas the knowledge of God was firstly identified in the post-monarchial period focusing more on prayer. Judgment and salvation are two events which Israel people experiences. In the conclusion the author shows God’s design in creation and shows relations between God’s design and the world’s nations. God’s design is highly appreciated both in the Old and the New Testaments. Book Review I think that the book is very informative and the other offers his original ideas and thoughts about the God’s design in the Old Testament basing in scared scriptures. The author has managed to take seriously scriptural text and to make readers acquainted with hidden facts and revelations. The author doesn’t apply external categories to God’s design. Neither has he supported interposition of categories developed by other scientists as they are not consistent with the book. Instead, Martens has utilized approach which is an excellent way to do biblical and theological researches. Therefore, the author asserts that there are unifying themes of the Scripture and it is necessary to base the whole research on them. Martens claims that there are â€Å"many different pictures†(p. 4) in the landscape of Scripture. The author views his task as â€Å"to paint the best possible picture†. (p. 4) I think that the author has done an excellent job when developing own categories and not forcing them to be applied to any sacred scripture. Instead, the author allows sacred scriptures to shape the necessary template. We can see this in the changing nature of deliverance through the pre-monarchial to post-monarchial era. In the pre-monarchial ear deliverance is accomplished by divine warrior, whereas in monarchial period deliverance changed as Israel had established own standing army. Thus, deliverance is presented through expectation to be sent by the God. Finally, in the post-monarchial period divine deliverance us seen to come from the Messiah defined as cataclysmic event. It is possible to say that the book is the exegetical perspective brought out but h author in the context of unifying themes of the Old Testament. Author’s template can be applied to certain aspects of the text and, in such a way, the author manages to inform his readers about the primary meaning of the passage. To prove exegetical perspective it is necessary to mention stipulations of Israel covenant. In particular, the author claims that Israel must not be loyal to the words which are not a coercive law which doesn’t threaten the blessing of the God. Stipulations are viewed as the necessary response to a personal God. Actually, it was Yahweh who had promised salvation and deliverance to the people of Israel. In other words, the found promises aren’t consistent with Israel’s failure to obey and to follow the ten words of stipulations. However, if this point is proved, it means that God’s design wouldn’t ever be fulfilled because the people of Israel are faithless. It is the God who has designed salvation and deliverance, and â€Å"God’s character and purposes generated the design that brought about faithfulness to the people with whom He was covenanted†. (p. 86) The book offers comprehensive studying and analysis of the Old Testament, but there are many moments where the author refers to the issue of hermeneutics. Some of the passages are vague and they are nothing more than overarching paradigms. The author assumes that the name of Yahweh should be differentiated from God’s name as the author speaks about the God of all people, but it is not correct. Instead, the Abrahamic Covenant shares the same goal interpreted by the Old Testament and the covenant template is found in the pre-monarchial period. Nevertheless, despite certain weaknesses and misinterpretations the book is very helpful in identifying modes of biblical theology.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Ad Evaluation
The focal point of this paper is to write a 3 page essay evaluating one commercial advertisement from a popular magazine and analyze it with an evaluation of its effectiveness in light of its purpose, paying particular attention to how well its various components work together to persuade. Jean Kilbourne makes an excellent point in her portrayal of advertisement and its appearance of violence and sexually predatory nature. Blatantly sexist, implied violence and the essence of fear or dominance would be inherent in advertisement of all descriptions from lingerie, to jeans all the way to peanut butter. Jean Kilbourne’s essay shows us how much we ignore in the world of advertisement, which simply exemplifies that which we ignore in life as a whole. Her portrayal of the difference between perceptions of men and women in the various ads, including such concepts as intimacy, violence and innocence would be such as to either cause alarm or to cause us to seriously examine the route advertisement is taking in the role of human behaviors. Human behavior is altered by stimuli outside the mind, but absorbed by that same mind. It is this absorption that must be considered when understanding the human psyche. Sexual advertisement has a tendency to increase violence done by men continuously exposed to the ads and the industry continues to use these sexual images for attention magnets. The biggest problem with this now would be the fact that now teenagers and children have become a target audience, resulting in addiction toward images and brands. Jean Kilbourne’s essay is quite an informative piece. It proves that what we see and what we get are obviously gender separate, and also can be either intimidating, or thought provoking dependent upon that gender. Most, if not all, advertisement can be considered mildly offensive, no matter the implied innocence. For example, Calvin Klein’s underwear ads spark outrage to this day and yet, regardless that they are only there for a few moments or weeks even, it is enough for people to go out and buy his underwear line. This, without realizing our own actions, simply feeds the desire to continue the outrageous behaviors displayed within the advertisements. A second example, both on the feminine and masculine side of intimidation, Diet Coke advertisements of Cindy Crawford in a very short skirt drinking a Diet Coke and being ogled by men and boys of all ages and on the other side of the coin, the sweat-coated construction worker ogled by the women in their office building as he drinks the soft drink. In Jean Kilbourne’s essay she states that â€Å"First, the industry spreads the sexual images using the media regardless of appropriate types of media. She cites Paris Hilton as prime example just in the year 2005. There are no doubts that Jean Kilbourne’s criticism of our efforts to put a halt to violence and even the innuendo of violence in both feminist movements and equality based ones, would in fact be direct and to the point in her understanding of what is acceptable, and what should hardly be. The affect of these ads on the younger minds alters the landscape in such a way that we would see it in the actions of younger and younger children. For instance, the rape of a six year old girl by an eight year old on the same bus while on their way home from school as she was held down by four other boys. There are many images that continue to testify to the belief that violence against women is acceptable, that sex, in the case of the woman, cannot be proven as rape because she is a woman. There is an advertisement, in the March 9, 2006 Rolling Stone magazine on pages five and six of a man pulling a woman’s jeans off on a beach. A blatant testament of dominant sexuality, and then add to that the advertisement on page nine of four pairs of women’s legs, showing off the shoes, or showing off the smooth legs? This is no doubt a blatant approach toward masculine attention. Rolling Stone is a very obvious method of exploitation, both masculine and feminine. An advertisement further in this issue proves that with a woman whose clothing shows the curvature of her bust quite blatantly and then a large white feather pointing directly toward the cleavage. She stands there with her lashes lowered and a bottle of Skyy Vodka with a glass in her hands. Fashion and the industry that supports it would be a blatant exposition utilizing many sexual images with both teenagers and adults, usually exposing too much of the torso in their advertisement, their shows and so forth. This would constitute a blatant reinforcement of the vulnerability of women, and now, even more so, of children. Jean Kilbourne has a very good point in her critical assessment of the world of advertising and its affect on both the masculine and feminine gender. Her critical assessment should be considered a wake up call for all in that we ignore the warning signs and exploit the danger in place of fighting against it. Thus, in her essay, she proved her theory quite sufficiently in that the industry would continually uses sexual images specifically to capture the attention of people, and now, teenagers and children have become the target audience thus becoming addicted to both the images and the brand. If we do not fight as equals, then feminism has no true hold on culture in any way. This, in actuality, is of a far greater impact on the lives of men and women, as well as boys and girls. The fact that these ads continue would tell us that feminism is losing its hold on the minds of many. Ads have a tendency to mold a generation, and the portrayal of men and women in suggestive or violent poses manages a platform for strong debate. References: Kilbourne, Jean; Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt: Advertising and Violence; Rereading America Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing 5th Edition; St. Martin’s Press 2001 Jan S. Wenner Editor and Publisher; Rolling Stone Magazine: 1290 Avenue of the Americas; New York, NY 10104-0298 USA
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Health inequalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Health inequalities - Essay Example In relation to the NHS workforce, only 14% of the total employees come from the black community and other minority ethnicities (BME). At the top leadership level, only one percent of the chief executives came from the BME. The black staffs are also as twice disciplined than the white medical staff. The males from affluent England regions are less likely to suffer disability illnesses than citizens from less deprived regions. The mental patients die 20 years younger than the other general populations (Kureshi, 2014). There is also a big difference in the diagnosis, treatment and outcome of cancer, heart disease, liver disease, stroke and lung disease. Further, the lesbians, gays and bisexuals have a greater probability of getting anxiety disorders and depression (Kureshi, 2014). To address the medical inequalities, National Health Service (NHS) occasionally holds value summits to: deal with Equality Duty within the public sector by enhancing workforce developments and direct commissioning of leaders. The NHS also monitors the Equality Delivery System (EDS) to ensure the delivery of the specific and general duties of the Equality Duty by the public sector. The NHS also persuades the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in adapting the EDS in meeting the public sectors Equality duty and publishing their own Equality Objectives. The NHS periodically engages all key stakeholders in evaluating the achievements and deficits of its strategic Equality Objectives (Lenard & Straehle, 2012). The variations are normally caused by quality and outcomes. Quality variations arise due to innovations and developments in healthcare systems. The healthcare is normally provided for by the human beings and even though there is the usage of the same medical equipments, the quality of the service will always vary. The NHS commissioning staffs are
Federal Reserve Presentation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Federal Reserve Presentation - Research Paper Example 1.3 As the regulator for the nation’s banking and payments systems, the Fed makes rules for safe business practices by banks and other financial companies. These rules include the minimum cash reserves that a bank must maintain in proportion to the deposits with it. The Federal Reserve lends money to banks for maintaining these reserves or accepts deposits from them when they have excess money. The Fed also ensures that financial securities sold in the market are safe for the customer. The Federal Reserve has a Board of Governors based in Washington, DC, with a Chairman and 6 other members appointed to staggered 14 year terms. The Fed operates through 12 Reserve Banks that cover all 50 states. Each Reserve Bank has a Board made up of bankers, business people and members of the public and conduct all the activities described in (1) above. Five of the 12 Reserve Bank presidents together with the 7 governors of the Federal Reserve make up the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) which has the responsibility for key decisions such as interest rates, monetary policy and the buying and selling of treasury securities. The activities of the FOMC are reviewed by US Congress Committee on Banking and Financial Services. The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy affects prices, employment and economic growth by influencing the availability and cost of money and credit in the US economy. This cost influences the consumer’s willingness to spend money on goods and services. The three tools used by the FOMC for determining the cost of money are open market operations, the discount rate and the reserve requirements (FRBSF, 2013). Open market operations are used primarily to control money supply in the banking system. This is done by selling government securities to banks to reduce money supply or buying from them to increase liquidity. As a result of the disruptions caused by the 2008 global financial crisis, the Fed, invoking the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Explain how westward expansion impacted American history Essay
Explain how westward expansion impacted American history - Essay Example However, the process turned to be violent due to the outbreak of the Mexican war. The Western expansion of America has some social, political and economic impact in the history of the country. Politically, the expansion to the west helped in spreading the American ideologies with major support of the Democratic Party. People moved to the western states of Kentucky and Tennessee where they survived under the ideologies of the Democratic Party that subjected great support to expansion (Billington and Martin 9). The early penetration of the Democratic Party in the areas towards the west of America confirms dominance of the party in the regions. The expansion also opened access of USA to the Atlantic and Pacific seas that linked America to other western countries like Mexico and Russia. Socially, the western expansion caused both positive and negative experiences. Positively, the passage of the Homestead Act of 1862 that encouraged people apply free 160-acre plots in the western regions of Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Hawaii among others, would see many Blacks from the South migrate to own lands alongside the white slave masters. Social justice and fairness began to appear as a reality to the Black community (Billington and Martin 18). Negatively, the western expansion broke and ruined social life of Native American tribes who constituted the great population in the western sides. The communities struggled to resist the expansion and triggering war that saw displacement and killing of many Indians. Economically, western ward expansion supported expeditious completion of the Transcontinental Railway system that would facilitate trade across America, running from east to west. According to Carlisle, the access to ports along Atlantic and Pacific oceans surrounding some of the regions bought and annexed as part of expansion boosted trade power of America (20). It was easy to access
Friday, July 26, 2019
Analyzing Culture Researching Subculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Analyzing Culture Researching Subculture - Essay Example Despite the size and purpose of any subculture, one needs to be aware of the fact that it could leave a significant impact on the society and furthermore could present the possibility of proving to be life altering in the long run. This paper seeks to conduct a research into the origin of Bosozoku and how influential this subculture is in today's society - not only in Japan but also, the rest of the world. To begin with, it focuses on the starting place of the Japanese subculture called Bosozoku, when it started and by whom it was started. This has been critically analyzed to study the main purpose of their subculture and how is has changed over time. Secondly, this paper concentrates on how influential Bosozoku is within Japan and what lies behind the influence and the growth. Thirdly, it focuses on the impact it has on the rest of the world, especially the USA. Before introducing this subculture, it would be imperative to talk about the emerging trends. The rising volume of teenagers showing interest and rendering involvement to modified cars and motorbikes, boy racers and midnight rides are no longer an issue in today's society. But the question that needs to be answered pertains to where it all started and by whom. (Greenfield, 1995) In tandem with this perspective is a corresponding and rather common view is that a causal relationship exists between the policing system and low crime rates in Japan. According to these views, subcultures need to be reduced to a state where they hold minimal significance in Japan. However, numerous, visible, and significant subcultural formations continue to peacefully and unobtrusively exist in these parts. These include groupings of street youths, Bosozoku (hot-rodder) groups, and Yakuza, which may be further described as networks of male adult criminal organizations. (Sato, 1991) Bosozoku, a Japanese subculture has immensely grown to influence the Japanese society in the last 10 to 15 years (Jachim, 1993); from adults to even teenagers. Having originated as a bunch of bored bikers who went by the name of Kaminari - zoku, the Bosozokus have branched out as a group that believes in adorning themselves in traditional Japanese garb and boasting of a contrasting cosmopolitan perspective as well. The cities generally find them cruising around in sophisticated, and more often than not, bikes that are illegally modified, with an intention that seemingly revolves around teasing the local police in the peaceful suburbs. So why aren't they being taken to task The answer to that might have something to do with the implication that they might share connections with the Japanese underworld, otherwise known as Yakuza, as well as the Uyoku. That explains why most people are scared of them and regard them as dangerous. (Jachim, 1993; p. 277) Most of the assumptions that exist in the Western world regarding Japanese crime control seem to be based on notions of a specific Japanese "shame culture," in which social pressures force all individuals to conform to these laws and norms revolving around, or dictated by these subcultures. The subculture popularly referred to as "The Bosozoku - speed tribes" - basically consists of Japan's discontented youth. The Bosozoku have been around since Japan's rebirth as an industrial power after World War II; starting on September the 6th, 1959, when
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Aviation Careers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Aviation Careers - Essay Example Employers for graduates of aviation courses are airlines, airports, national and international unions, companies in the logistics and supplier industry and government. A career in aviation offers excitement, the opportunity for regular travel, and the chance to constantly learn new skills. However, the preparation for this fast-paced industry is an extensive process. A career in aviation means you will meet and work with a wide variety of people. One has to be able to perform well under pressure and must be able to understand the complex technical concepts of aviation. Technology is an important and crucial aspect in any aviation career. Experts in the area of computers, electronics, instrumentations, inspections, and investigations are in great demand in the aviation industry. Several opportunities are also available in research and development because of the need to always determine safer and more efficient ways and techniques to upgrade the industry. The search for new products an d technology is simply non-stop. If one wishes to work with an airline, there are various entry level positions which will cover a wide variety of duties and responsibilities. One may opt to be a flight attendant which will require extensive customer contact. It is important that one possesses strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Model Location (Jaimaica) Versus Target Location (Cambodia) Research Paper
Model Location (Jaimaica) Versus Target Location (Cambodia) - Research Paper Example This research paper is therefore a correlative study that is seeking to examine the impact that a replication of the Jamaican diarrhea campaign done by the Bill and Medlinda Gates Foundation would have in Cambodia. Background The current issue under discussion is diarrheal diseases. Diarrheal diseases may come in varying forms including cholera and diarrhea (Guerrant, 2006). Characteristically, diarrheal diseases are associated with the passage of loose stool in about three to four times a day (Ribeiro, 2010) worse forms leads to the passage of more loose stools; several times a day. As frequently as a patient passes liquid stool, the higher the patient’s chances of losing a lot of body water and therefore becoming dehydrated. This means that diarrheal diseases do not come alone but come with their own attendant problems. It is not for nothing that the World Health Organization (2009) notes that diarrheal diseases account for the second largest killer disease in children less than five years of age. Further statistics on the diseases from the World Health Organization shows that malnourished children and children with weaker immune systems are the worse affected when it comes to deaths associated with diarrheal diseases. Sadly, these diseases, which are preventable and treatable, kill 1.5 million children every year. This means that children are the worse affected when it comes to diarrheal diseases. As part of the causes of diarrheal diseases, diarrheal diseases actually act as the symptoms of other infections caused by bacteria, virus and other pathogens. The disease causing agents are commonly transmitted through contaminated water (Lo and Walker, 2003). Malnutrition has also been found as a major cause of diarrheal and also increases the risk of an infected person dying (Martin and Blaser, 2006). Funding Foundation (Bill and Medlinda Gates Foundation) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been in the forefront in the fight against diarrheal dise ases in Jamaica for a very long time. The foundation has over the years adapted a two-tier approach in fighting the diseases. These approaches are public advocacy and public action (Santhanakrishnan and Umadevi, 2006). Under the advocacy, the foundation takes conscious steps in educating the populace and masses of people on the causes, treatment and importantly, the prevention of diarrheal diseases. These advocacy programs have been introduced in schools, churches, vocational centers and other public places of interest. The advocacy program has been done for groups in order to help in the easy propagation of the message on the need to keep a clean environment and observe basic healthy eating practices (Woldemicael, 2011). The public action model has also taken the form of realistic clean up exercises among various groups in Jamaica. Funding for the clean up exercises has been done exclusively by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Some of the public fund also goes to the purchase of drugs for infected people. Ultimately, Jamaica was selected because of its past history on diarrheal diseases. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have actually operated in Jamaica for the past eight years and have successfully completed over seven different schemes on diarrheal dise
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 5 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 5 SLP - Essay Example The pricing for the other products X6 and X7 have to undergo strategic analysis and appropriate changes in order to retain and improve the company based on the remaining two products. The New Year celebration comes at the beginning of the year 2016, but we realize that the celebration experience was not valuable because the year 2015 did not end with better performance. This calls for an analysis of the performance of the last two years so as to determine the major causes of low performance and make better decisions for the future. As we compare the results for the last two Time Warps, we allocate appropriate decisions that will improve the performance for 2016. We then take the results through the analysis of Cost, Volume and Profit to determine the differences in results obtained. Simulation We begin simulation by analyzing each product separately. Based on the decision to discontinue product X5 in the year 2015, we will first have an analysis of the products X6 and X7, then a sepa rate analysis for product X5 in order to know whether to remain as discontinues or return to the market. We will have the simulation results as follows: Product X6 The X6 has existed for the last 5 years, and was discontinued for 2016 as a result of having attained market saturation point. ... Its pricing depends on parameters for high performance and cost effectiveness. It has not reached its saturation point in the market hence it is not discontinued. It proceeds to the year 2016. Year 2014 2015 2016 Price 275 250 246 Results and Decisions The simulations indicate that product X5 and X6 do not make it to the year 2016. Both of them reach saturation points and they no longer attract customers. Product X7 continues in the market in 2016 and the first time customers continue to increase. The results can be interpreted to mean that as long as there is a product whose customers depend on a single attribute, it will certainly attain a saturation point of the price and looses the power to retain customers. At the same time it fails to attract new customers as in the case of product X5 and X6. It leads the management of Clipboard Tablet Company to consider producing more of product X7 than the others. Difference in Results using CVP Analysis (Cost, Volume and Profit) The analysi s of cost, volume and profits enables a company to develop and focus on the approaches that will introduced in connection to the product pricing (Williams & Williams, 2010). It also focuses on the needs of research programs that can improve the productivity and customer satisfaction index of a company. Clipboard Tablet Company can now formulate and implement the strategies that on the basis of Cost, Volume and Profit analysis (CVP). CVP analysis will enable Clipboard Tablet Company to determine the best strategy to use in connection to the pricing of the three products. It also determines when a particular product should be discontinued depending on the contemporary ranges of tablets prices in the market (Drury, 2007). A CVP analysis is an
Children Being Tried as Adults Essay Example for Free
Children Being Tried as Adults Essay Some juveniles think that because they are minors, they can’t be severely punished just like adults. Using this thinking, many minors commit crimes thinking of little to no consequences at all. With this thinking, the â€Å"double standard†comes into place. Female juveniles think because of their gender, they can really get away with crimes. For the average american, the term juvenile delinquent is likely to conjure up the image of a teen-age male. The one-sided image is fed by media stories that all but ignore the existence of young offenders who are female. Most of the professional literature on juvenile delinquency is similarly slanted. Should minors who commit crimes be prosecuted as adults? That is indeed a topic you have to really think about twice. All crimes committed by juveniles should and must be treated in the same regard as adults. These kids go to juvenile court and get shortened sentences because of their age, thats not right. They commit big boy crimes, they have to do big boy time. When you think of the word â€Å"Juvenile†what’s the first thing you think about? The first thing that comes to my mind is crime simply because when i hear the word juvenile, its usually followed by delinquent. Until the early 19th century in the United States, children as young as 7 years old could be tried in criminal court and, if found guilty, sentenced to prison or even to death. Children under the age of 7 were thought to be unable to commit criminal acts and were therefore exempt from punishment. Reformers believed that treating children and adolescents as adult criminals was unnecessarily harsh and resulted in their corruption. A 1991 study by Virginias Department of Youth and Family Services, entitled Young Women in the Juvenile System, concluded that girls serve more time in training schools than their male counterparts, and for less serious offenses. The same pattern prevails in most other jurisdictions. (Anderson) Between 1994 and 2010, violent crime arrest rates decreased for all age groups, but more for juveniles than for adults. More specifically, the rates dropped an average of 54 percent for teenagers 15 to 17, compared to 38 percent for those between 18 and 39. And while arrest rates for violent crimes were higher in 2010 than in 1980 for all ages over 24, the rates for juveniles ages 15 to 17 were down from 1980. (Brown) Not everyone agrees that tougher crime laws for juveniles are fair or will cut down on youth crime. Many opponents of penalizing kids as adults believe that young criminals, unlike adult offenders, are still developing personal values and character. Juveniles, they say, can be more easily reformed, or rehabilitated, to turn their lives around and lead productive lives. For example, in a documentary i recently watched, all of the adults had been to jail and had a bad childhood but had changed their lives for the best. Many people have shown their disagreement with the statement above in many ways creating controversy. â€Å"Lock ‘Em Up†says one civilian/pedestrian in a street interview . â€Å"Let ‘Em off, they’re just babies†says another civilian. These two statements/opinions stirred up lots of controversy and debates on live television. In one argument a tv reporter said that It doesnt mean adolescents cant make rational decisions or appreciate the difference between right and wrong. But it does mean that, particularly when confronted with stressful or emotional circumstances, they are more likely to act impulsively, on instinct, without fully understanding or considering the consequences of their actions. Some controversy comes in with the parents thinking that their children don’t deserve to be tried as adults in their situation. For example, Paul Henry Gingerich, a 14 year old murder suspect is believed to be the youngest person in Indiana ever sentenced to prison as an adult. He was still 12 years old when he arrived here at the Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility, the states maximum security prison for children. His mother could not do much due to the severity of the situation. Over 200,000 children are charged as adults every year says a researcher at Temple University. At the age of 16, Cameron Williams lives a life far removed from the world of other teenagers. Williams, who celebrated his sixteenth birthday in jail, faces up to 110 years behind bars for second-degree attempted murder and use of a weapon to commit a felony. In November, Williams shot at a police officer in Omaha, Nebraska as he was being chased after being pulled over in a car with two other men. Hes also charged with robbery and assault in another county. Even though he is a minor. Many people are affected/involved in these juvenile cases. In many cases, the juveniles themselves are the ones who are greatly affected because they are the ones who have messed up their future. The parents are also majorly affected by children being charged as adults because they still look at their children as innocent and as babies. In a recent california case, a 15 year old boy was sentenced to 20 years on a murder charged in a maximum security facility and was beaten to death. This made the state and even parts of the nation rethink this whole â€Å"age doesn’t matter thing†when it comes to juvenile sentencing. To decrease juvenile crimes there are several prevention programs. There is a program called D.A.R.E which stands for Drug, Abuse, Resistance, Education. The program is for kids as old as 18 and as young as 11. There are also programs like after school matters which teaches children the importance of staying in school and staying on the right path, and finally P A.C.E. is Programming for Young Women in the Juvenile Justice System, which also helps to rehabilitate juveniles after they are released from jail. (Anderson, George M.) Another possible solution could be for parents to teach their children right from wrong early in their lives and for older children, spend more time with them and show them that you care about them/love them, and most of all be there for them throughout their lives. Statistics show that children who grow up in a single-parent household are nine times more likely to go to prison, eight times more likely to commit violent crimes, and ten times more likely to get hooked on drugs than in a two-parent home. After some long research I concluded that teens today dont fear the law because they dont think they will get caught. And if they do, they know they have a good chance of getting off because they are tried as teens and not adults. We have to get tougher on crime. There should be a law that everyone over eleven years old will be tried as adults. That way more teens would be discouraged from committing crimes. They would know that murder would get them a very long sentence instead of sta ying in juvenile hall until they are eighteen. If we want to cut down on teen crime, we have to have tougher laws.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Katniss Everdeen and Michelle Obama’s relation Essay Example for Free
Katniss Everdeen and Michelle Obama’s relation Essay What a makes a person who they are is not what clothes they wear or the car they drive. A person’s true identity lies within their mind, the way they think and how they chose to act upon those thoughts. Katniss Everdeen the brave young woman that fights for her sister in the book, The Hunger Games, is much like our first lady, Michelle Obama. Michelle fights by her husband day in and day out for this country for the good of the people. Katniss strives tooth and nail in the hunger games to save her dystopian society and her younger sister. Katniss Everdeen, a courageous, beautiful and talented young women that could have the world at her fingertips. She lives in the future where hope is hard to come by along with many other things such as food, water, and a home. The district she lives in, district 12, is what is referred to as a dystopian society. Every year a boy and a girl’s name (12-18 years old), from every district, is drawn to participate in the hunger games where they will fight to death and one will be left to be named victorious. Being the stand up lady she is she takes her sister’s place so she does not have to participate. Katniss lives in a time where everything is challenging, people look up to her, and everyone is watching her every move. Michelle shares much of the same qualities as Katniss does. Michelle Obama, the first lady, is highly intelligent and incredibly influential. Her husband was elected president and from that point forward she has been an outstanding first lady. Her duties in her position require much more than what meets the eye. She has to be on her toes, alert, witty, a role model and many other things to be considered a successful first lady. Throughout the past 4 years seeing Michelle Obama work as the first lady has been a joy and watching her work harder and harder everyday has been inspirational. Michelle Obama and Katniss Everdeen share a courageous, inspirational spirit that light up the room they stand in. Whether real or fictional; people have to have someone to look up to. Katniss may not live in the actual world that we do today, but it is a matter of symbolism and how the message of her character can relate to real life. Role models and representing something greater is very important. Michelle Obama is a real life example of an extraordinary role model. She has shown young women and men all over the world how to live an outstanding life. Katniss and Michelle share an incredible amount of great characteristics. It just goes to show that a person does not need to be real to relate to them. Katniss Everdeen and Michelle Obama may come from two completely different worlds, but they can relate to one another on an entirely different level. These two outstanding characters shine among many and prove to others that they are amazing role models. Katniss lives in a post apocalyptic world while Michelle does not, they are parallel in a sense that each of their worlds are cut throat. Whether they fight to their death, or fight for their country both of these young women are strivers and amazing citizens.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Critical Incident Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay
Critical Incident Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay In this paper, I will examine an interesting case study that I found important to discuss. On one hand, I will scrutinize the details of this case study and the vital culture information of the participants. On the second hand, I will analyze the incident from the perspectives of the ethnicity, White American culture, and language differences. Description of the Critical Incident Sequence of events This event took place in a primary school in Indiana State a year ago. H was introduced to a school psychologist by his teacher. He was the worst-behaved white kid in school. He was aggressive, fights with other peers, and argues with his teacher all the time. The teacher wanted to improve Hs behaviors and reported it to his mother. Therefore, the teacher and the school psychologist agreed to work with H, since he was the most challenging child in the classroom. H was in the 4th grade and had maintained high grades. He continued o have good grades throughout the school year. He sometimes had difficulties in following directions and completing in-class assignments in writing activity, yet his academic standing is in the average; however, it is higher in the math area. In order to know more about H, an interview was conducted by a school psychologist with his teacher; the reported that H is from a divorced family and living with his mother who is a special education teacher in high school. During the first session, H was observed to be a Caucasian male of average height and weight with blonde hair, blue eyes, and was dressed casually in a black sweat suit and sneakers. H was sitting silently at his desk and working on his own. The following session, H was observed to be more aggressive and started to make noises, yelling, arguing with teacher and talking back in the classroom. I interviewed H about his behavior that the teacher and principal told me about his behavior that was erratic; I started the first session with him by playing a game to help him identify his feeling and behavior. Throughout the sessions, the student was talking to the school psychologist, and he was telling her that he was having some problems in the new place. He was having a hard time socialing and making friends. The student was also talking about the absence of his father, and how bad he was feeling to be raised by a single mother. He also addressed the bad relationship he had with his peers and teacher and he was telling through the sessions that no one could understand him. During this session, there were some misunderstandings between the client and the therapist in terms of language and some cultural things, such as talking about cartoons and movies characters, favorite Cereal, and kinds of dogs. As a professional, I examined how I would help Hunter to change his behavior issues in the classroom. Therefore, a meeting was conducted with Hs mother in order to know more about his behavior at home and to get her involved. Unfortunately, the conference ended negatively. Added to this, the frustration of Hunters mother over my cultural differences led the consultation process to a negative outcome on Hs concerns. During the meeting, Hs mother argued that her son will be will be attracting attention since they live in a small rural community and everybody knows each other. This was the major problem the mother was thinking about and was frustrated because she would have to face her neighbors staring and comments. The mom was also thinking of her kid in the future and how people will treat and look at him as an aggressive and misbehaved kid in the town. She stated as well that she is a single mom that raised her child by herself and she had faced enough from these people in the town. She mentioned that her kid would have some problems working with an international school psychologist who speaks better in another language than English and had a different cultural background. The student was willing to keep working with him, but his mom was refusing to complete our sessions; he seemed to change gradually and wanted to be different. He was mad, because his mother stopped everything and he told the school psychologist that his mother had not let him come to her. He stated that he did not have friends before and the school psychologist was his friend around that time. Culture of the client The client is Hs mother, 38-year-old, and Caucasian female. She has one child who is 10 years old and step-elder son (age 17) and one younger step daughter (age 5) who does not currently live with her in the same house. The client is divorced, living with her son since she got divorced six years ago. She is working as a special education teacher in high school and mentioned she is from the superior middle class background. Culture of therapist The therapist in this case was me. I am a 26 year old, Muslim international female student. I am from a middle-class background, and grew up in a home with my father, step-mother, and my sisters and half brothers. My family has been an important part in my life. I had a lot of social and emotional support. My mother had a heart attack and died when I was six. I hardly remember her face and how she was acting. Education was a stressful part of my life; living alone far away, and within a different culture was not an easy thing to deal with. Handling of situation The team contained the teacher, the school psychologist, and the principle tried to intervene and help Hunter to stop his negative behaviors and start acting like a normal kid. The team conducted a meeting to target the behavior and plan an intervention. They called Hs mother to get her involved. As the team was working through this case, the mom came to school and asked the principle to discontinue working with her child. She said they are living in a small town and it is a sin in her area to be in trouble in school, especially in terms of behavior issues, and she did not want any kind of services from an international school psychologist. There was no way to convince the mother to get her involved and persuade convinced her to finish the case. This was one of my cultural incompetencies and biases that I experienced. I felt so mad and under micro-aggression, because I am not an American school psychologist. They do not want me to work with this kid; especially then the teacher refused to continue consulting with me about the student and the principle asked me to stay away from him. I felt like an outsider and helpless. The team implemented an intervention to work with H in classroom, but everything was canceled. The problem of this case was unfortunately, was held at the end of the school year. So, I had to stop meeting the child and do what the mom was asking for. I felt so unhelpful and I realized the problems that can occur within school settings and how incompetent people would be in order to intervene. I tried to convince the teacher and the principle to re-set a meeting with the mother to discuss with her Hs academic concerns first, instead of his behavior issues. Explain to her how important it is to work with him before they become major issues in the future, get the mom more involved, and create a connection between home and school. Unfortunately, it was inappropriate to force people to attend sessions or receive help. It was difficult to present a final consultation report for my project. As a final point, the teacher and school psychologist indicated using time-out and ignoring as methods of discipline. Lots of feedback also was suggested to reduce Hs frustration, but there was no way to handle the mothers case expectation through her son. Therefore, I found it very important to address this case study to be more aware if it happened again in the future another time. The Analysis Cross-cultural issues and value differences The following are the cross-cultural issues and value differences that may have existed between therapist and client: Gender, age, socioeconomic status, education, ethnicity, religion, and language differences. Age: The client is 38 years old. The school psychologist is 26 years old. Socioeconomic status: the client is from superior middle class background and the therapist is from middle class background. Education: the client is a special education teacher at a high school. The therapist is a student in an EdS program. Religion: the client is a Christian, while the therapist is a Muslim. Ethnicity: the client is White European American and the therapist is an international Arab student. Language: The client speaks English as the first language. The therapist speaks Arabic as the first language. Out of these issues, I will specifically address ethnicity and language differences in the analysis part of this paper. Ethnicity Sue and Sue (2007, chap.1), Hence and Boyd-Franklin (2005), and Fuller (1995) discuss the significance of being aware of our own culture, and each culture has limitations. As an international school psychologist, I was very aware of the ethnic differences during our sessions which made me feel like an outsider. The client in this case was a female white American. She seemed to be categorized deeply within her ethnicity, and she appeared to enjoy being white. In working with her, I believe that it seemed to be heavily associated with how she distinguished and reacted to racial stimuli. Therefore, the race-related reality of whites symbolizes major dissimilarities in how she viewed the world (Sue Sue 2007). The client was not at ease in the beginning, and she noticed my accent and realized that I am not an American professional; she kept asking the what are you? and the where are you from? questions, which I believed now how rude and insensitive this questions were. I felt that she wa s judging me, and it was unclear what she was trying to mention with those questions. I believe that she is one of the people who think that it was fine to scrutinize and query people with dissimilar accents. This unsure idea is surely not to make the individual feel unwanted or insulted when asking about their ethnicity (Sue and Sue, chap.18), According to my own interpretations and what I congregated from the readings through this class, my client showed her own privilege (Sue Sue, chap. 11). It was clear for my client to notice that I am from another country, especially after our following sessions and appeared to see school psychologist students in general as incompetent people who wanted only to practice their skills. While I was reading the Parker and Schwartz (2002) article, I assumed how did White come to be the majority and the oppressor? certainly, I agree that, in the United States, white is the foremost community that has become more pale into the statistical unit beside the other ethnicities that are classified as minority categories. Through my little experience on the practicum at this school, I also noticed some strange things happening at this school; I did not notice that it was discrimination until now. In this school, all the school staff and students were whites and there was an ignorance of the culture strengths and the school staff blames the students and their parents for their problem; this reminded me of cultural blindness agencies. I did not notice all the time working in this school any other different ethnicities besides white Americans. In this stage, the school works with students as they are all the same, ignoring their unique needs and cultural differences (Sue Sue 2007) Goal: the goal of this difference would be to make an equal relationship, free from any racism. Racism found to be evident in all aspects of white community in our daily lives (such as in television, radio, and educational materials, etc.) (Sue Sue 2007) My client is a white American and I should be aware of her own racial background and the persistence of racism in the United States just by being white (Parker Schwartz). As was discussed in McGoldrick outlines (2005) Ethnocultural factors are often the hidden dimension in family therapy with white ethnics, and exploring them may be a key component of successful treatment. Create a therapeutic rapport will be the main goal of this scenario. Course of action: After working with this client, I would collaborate with her with respect to determine her feelings in working with a therapist who is from a different culture as hers. I would also work on her confidentiality since there is a clear feeling of mistrust which is a reaction to being discriminated against and abhor for the dominant communities in an approximately global anti-White demonstration and feeling (Sue Sue, p.200). As a professional, I should know the presence of distrust and work to get my clients trust. My client is white American; I should be aware that white privilege is invisible (McIntosh, 1988) to her I was unwelcome. It will very effective to reduce the anxiety and the upset feelings of the client and the school psychologist as well in this scenario. Rationale: My rationale for choosing this goal and course of action was to address the dissimilarities that exist between the school psychologist and the client in order to understand and reduce the relationship of dominant and minority. Collaborating with my client in the future will focus on her salient issues in order to get her more involved and trust the school psychologist. I would also teach my client some therapeutic techniques in order to help her comprehend and increase her feelings of trust and comfort. Language Strong emotions such as anger, sadness, and defensiveness were displayed when talking about experiences of race, culture, and other socio demographic variables (McIntosh, chap.1). These feelings may improve or negate a full meaning to comprehend the worldviews of culturally varied clients. As professional, working with a multicultural population, I need to know that I am different and how to deal with it in an appropriate way. In this case study, I worked with a client who is from a diverse culture and that leads to have some hard times to understand each other in the beginning, especially in terms of the language, eye contact, and sometimes body language. The client in this case is an American English speaker using high Standard English and emphasizing verbal communication (Sue Sue, chap. 6). The client was talking normally, but with attention that she was not satisfied. She sometimes talked very fast. As a school psychologist, English is my third language and as most of non English first language speaker, I have an accent. Sometimes my accent may sound familiar, but usually most people mentioned that it is understood and has a French flavor, which most of people likes. From time to time, I feel uncomfortable if my client misunderstood me. I think that was because of my accent and she did not used to talk with foreigners she is having troubles to understand me; as Sue and Sue stated (2007, Chap. 21) Communication due to language difficulties as I stated above, my client may sometimes talk fast and use some slang statements that I could not comprehend. We were having a problem to connect and link up together, but the main problem was to be unable to work with her child that made me feel very embarrassed and sometimes unfruitful. In this case, I feel very depressed and sometimes I could not handle situations. I know that I have a productive background, but language issues make me ver y upset. It made me feel utterly unwelcomed in my clients community and this country, especially with these kinds of clients who do not like me to work with their children, just because they do not trust international people. This idea of the inferiority of me in addition to the belief that my client has the power to impose her standards upon my culture was also presented (Sue Sue, chap. 4). These also made feel both astound and shocked, especially when I experienced such things directly in this case. Communication is an appealing part of communicative interaction; it is an instrument that helps the therapists to comprehend their clients and provides him or her needed services. (Sue Sue, chap.6) In our field, we need to be able to exchange communication in appropriate way for both verbal and nonverbal messages. Coding and decoding messages from others is the key to understand both the language and the message that is transmitted through the use of the language. Goal: as a goal to resolve this scenario is to be familiar with American culture and speak English perfectly, and also be familiar with their slangs and have self confidence that I am trying to do well. American speakers if they attempt to speak Arabic for an example they will have an accent as well. Through working with this client, I will discuss the language especially the accent barrier openly with her; I bet that this may be beneficial. Course of action: I think it is very vital to talk with the clients in the initial interview before starting any assessment. Informed her that I am an international school psychologist and they may not fully understand my accent. I will let her know that I am open to answer her questions and repeat if it needed. Discussing the foreign language accents and refer that is normal to have an accent within another language learned as well. I again felt the stinging confidence to improve English with the aim of being a more effective and diverse professional. Rational: My rationale for choosing this goal and course of action was to talk about the accent issues that may help me relax and work comfortably. Educating the client that her kids case is going to be confidential and no one will know about it in the town. It may lead to ignore other issues like language, I will also ask my client to ask for clarifications if the she did not understand me and the problem will be resolved. Conclusion After analyzing this case study, I recognized how significant it is to be sensitive of our cultural difference in order to be competent and sensitive to other cultures. This experience helped me to comprehend how dissimilar we are as people and how this affect the interpersonal communications. This will help me be to be aware and work on myself to be more an effective and successful professional in the future.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Religion, Poverty and Wealth Essay examples -- Poverty Essays
Religion, Poverty and Wealth Poverty is now a problem on a global scale, and Hinduism has needed, and will continue to need, to undertake an ongoing state of change and adaptation. Many of the beliefs Hindus held only a couple of centuries ago have been altered or even removed altogether. The globalisation of Hinduism, bringing it into contact with a wide range of other cultures and religions, has influenced this a lot. Hinduism, however, is full of variations itself, so what is said of Hinduism may be true for some Hindus, and false for others. Hinduism is less a religion, than a culture, and way of life. This way of life affects how they view poverty and wealth, and what there reactions to it are, as outlined below. Unlike many other societies, where the caste system is based on power or wealth, thus giving the poorest the least power, Hinduism has four set castes, which a member belongs to by birth. These groups are called varnas, and each has its own set of rules and duties to live by, known as dharma. Too much inter-varna mixing, especially intermarriage, is strongly disapproved of. The first, and highest varna is that of a Brahmin-priests, teachers, and wisemen. The next is Kshatriya-warriors, rulers, and leaders. The third is Vaishya-traders, merchants, agriculture, and other work involved with commerce. The final, and lowest varna is Sudra-manual labour and service. In many societies, the difference between the high and the low, in terms of social status, has caused great troubles, due to discontentment of the poor and weak to continue living like they are. In Hinduism, however, this problem is avoided, by the promise o... ... many Hindus to make a small donation to the poor, and will give old clothes or shoes away, rather than throwing them out. MK Gandhi changed many old Hindu beliefs with his teachings. He taught that it is wrong to think that a poor person is only getting what they deserve. He believed that everyone was a part of God, and people should recognise that they share the same world and should care for one another. He taught that service to others was the best way to find God and comprehend fully the human condition. This had a profound effect on the treatment of the poor in India today. There are many charities set up for helping the poor in India, such as the Hindu Mission Hospital and Prison Fellowship India. These receive many donations from many Hindus-even those overseas will often send back money to help the poor.
The Tragedy Of Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
The Tragedy Of Hamlet Hardship, unfortunately, is a part of everyone's life. It is unavoidable, and in Hamlets case he found out that bad luck comes in colossal amounts at a time. Most people see bad luck as getting splashed by a car in the rain, or finding out that the idiots at McDonald's forgot the fries in your order. But Hamlet got a quadruple dose of bad luck. First his father was unjustly murdered. Then the ghost of his father comes back and tells him that he is to avenge his death. To top it all off Hamlet finds out that his mother has just married his late fathers assassin. When Hamlet tries to expose the new king of killing his father, he is exiled to England because the other people thought that he was mentally ill. When Hamlet returns to Denmark he finds his secret love Ophelia being buried. Hamlet feels that he is living in a world of horror, and by the end of this miserably disheartening play, his fathers death is avenged, but at quite a cost. Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Laertes, and Polonius are all dead. I would have to say that all of the adversity in hamlets life had to have a great affect on his spirit. One can not go through life, and Hamlet had a short one, lose all of the people that you love and expect it to not dishearten you a little. And in Hamlets case it pretty much drove him insane.  The human spirit is a very fragile thing, and something as tragic as the death of a loved one can damage it greatly. As in Hamlets case, when his father was murdered, this started a sort of devastating chain reaction of the psyche. He started to "go nuts", and it showed. The people around him started noticing this drastic change in his personality. But his insanity was most evident during the play which he set up and called "The Mousetrap". Hamlet sat fidgeting in his chair, staring at Caudius with accusing eyes. When his little trap had run it's course, Claudius had just about been broken. Hamlet watched as Claudius sweat and chewed his nails. When Claudius could take no more he stumbled out of the room and into the streets where hamlet proceeded to follow, dancing and screaming like a mad man. Hamlet could take no more of this torturous life, watching his mother hang off of the man who murdered his father. His spirit had been irreversibly damaged, and insanity was the price.  This play is a classic example of one of the greatest, if not the greatest The Tragedy Of Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays The Tragedy Of Hamlet Hardship, unfortunately, is a part of everyone's life. It is unavoidable, and in Hamlets case he found out that bad luck comes in colossal amounts at a time. Most people see bad luck as getting splashed by a car in the rain, or finding out that the idiots at McDonald's forgot the fries in your order. But Hamlet got a quadruple dose of bad luck. First his father was unjustly murdered. Then the ghost of his father comes back and tells him that he is to avenge his death. To top it all off Hamlet finds out that his mother has just married his late fathers assassin. When Hamlet tries to expose the new king of killing his father, he is exiled to England because the other people thought that he was mentally ill. When Hamlet returns to Denmark he finds his secret love Ophelia being buried. Hamlet feels that he is living in a world of horror, and by the end of this miserably disheartening play, his fathers death is avenged, but at quite a cost. Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Laertes, and Polonius are all dead. I would have to say that all of the adversity in hamlets life had to have a great affect on his spirit. One can not go through life, and Hamlet had a short one, lose all of the people that you love and expect it to not dishearten you a little. And in Hamlets case it pretty much drove him insane.  The human spirit is a very fragile thing, and something as tragic as the death of a loved one can damage it greatly. As in Hamlets case, when his father was murdered, this started a sort of devastating chain reaction of the psyche. He started to "go nuts", and it showed. The people around him started noticing this drastic change in his personality. But his insanity was most evident during the play which he set up and called "The Mousetrap". Hamlet sat fidgeting in his chair, staring at Caudius with accusing eyes. When his little trap had run it's course, Claudius had just about been broken. Hamlet watched as Claudius sweat and chewed his nails. When Claudius could take no more he stumbled out of the room and into the streets where hamlet proceeded to follow, dancing and screaming like a mad man. Hamlet could take no more of this torturous life, watching his mother hang off of the man who murdered his father. His spirit had been irreversibly damaged, and insanity was the price.  This play is a classic example of one of the greatest, if not the greatest
Friday, July 19, 2019
Public Relations :: essays research papers
     How many people really do dream? Everyone dreams, whether the dream is remembered or not. Throughout the night, there are many stages of sleep that everyone goes through. These stages include light sleep, deep sleep, and dream sleep. Nightmares are also considered dreams, just caused by different emotions. Scientists also have many electrical appliances and have done many tests to study dreams.      Dreams are very complex things. Scientists have a hard time trying to understand why people dream. Although recently, neurosurgery’s precise methods of research and invention of sophisticated electrical appliances, have enabled the scientists to increase their knowledge of the human brain, nervous systems, and the body’s biochemistry (Strachey 20). The invention of the electroencephalograph, otherwise known as an EEG, has made it possible for a trained operator to read the brain’s reactions during wakefulness, rest, and sleep (Schneider). The machine detects and enormously amplifies the very faint electrical impulses produced by the brain; placing electrodes against subjects scalp (Freud). â€Å"Professor Nathanial Kleitman of Chicago university, discovered that babies have a sleep rhythm of fifty to sixty minutes after which they are inclined to wake up, although obviously they can’t always†(Freud). As children grow, the body be gins to develop the ninety-minute cycle associated with adult sleepers. The pattern of sleep is acquired and controlled by environmental and social conditioning. However, as people grow older the body tends to revert to the naptime habits of babyhood (Freud). Yet, though people more or less choose when to sleep, the basic ninety-minute rhythm remains. It is biological and not controlled by consciousness, rather as a healthy person’s metabolism functions autonomously (Parker 93). â€Å"Eugene Aserinsky noticed that after an infant fell asleep it’s eyes moved beneath the closed lids. Also, at intervals during sleep and was the first movement when the baby began to wake†(Freud). Kleitman and Aserinsky decided to investigate whether such a pattern could be found in adult sleepers as well (Freud). By attaching extra electrodes from the EEG machine to areas around volunteer sleeper’s eyes, the two scientists were able to monitor brain impulses and movements, wh ile measuring respiration and body movements (Freud). The scientists concluded that there were two types of eye movement. Slow as found in babies and very fast movements, this could last from a few minutes to over a half an hour (Freud). These rapid eye movements, which are commonly known as REMs appeared to occur at intervals throughout the night (Beare).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Los Zetas
RUNNING HEAD: Los Zetas Nolita Oliveira Wayland Baptist University Dr. Paul Lankford Borderland Beat Reporter Overmex (2010, August 26), reported 72 illegal immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador and Brazil, were found dead on a ranch in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, which is 150 km from the U. S. border city of Brownsville. This discovery came from one survivor who found his way to the Navy troops and reported members of the Los Zeta cartel at the nearby ranch. According to the Borderland Beat; 21 rifles, six 5. mm M4 carbines, three 7. 60 mm AK-47, seven 12 gauge shotguns, five . 22 caliber rifles, 101 magazines, two ammunition belts, six thousand 649 cartridges of various calibers, four bullet proof vests, one helmet, four trucks, one with the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA), were also found at the ranch. With such a rich supply of ammunition and a massacre of men and women with their hands and feet tied, the question remains, how have the Los Zetas become so powerful? Los Zeta’s was originally founded by a group of highly trained Mexican Army Special Forces deserters and has expanded to include corrupted former federal, state, and local police officers hired by Mexico’s Gulf Cartel (Los Zetas, 2010, November 22). The group originally consisted of 31 members with the first leader, Lieutenant Arturo Guzman Decena using his Federal Judicial Police radio code to become identified as Z1. This code was given to high-ranking officers for the Commanding Federal Judicial Police Officers in Mexico. Zeta is also named for the letter in Spanish. Decena was born in 1976 and trained with an elite Mexican military group called Grupo Aeromovil de Fuerzas Especiales (GAFE) which were trained in counter- insurgency and locating and apprehending drug cartel members, with Decena came 30 other GAFE deserters. Decena was killed in 2002 and his second-in-command Z2 was captured in 2004 (Decena, 2010, November 27). The current leader is Z3 Heriberto Lazcano. Los Zeta’s was originally hired to track down and kill rival cartel members and provide protection for the Gulf Cartel. Their power has grown and their savagery has had no boundaries. In 2003 Los Zetas negotiated a pact with the Gulf Cartel and the Beltran –Leyva Cartel to engage their own drug shipments (Los Zetas, 2010, November 22). Seven years later after the pact, Los Zetas have violently turned against their former partner, the Gulf Cartel, and have formed alliances with the Juarez Cartel, Tijuana Cartel and the Beltran- Leyva Cartel. The other major faction alignment includes the Gulf Cartel, Sinaloa Cartel, and La Familia Cartel. In response to the Los Zeta’s savagery the Sinaloa Cartel hired another armed enforcer gang, Los Negros, to fight back. Los Negros have also turned their back and become independent are gaining more control of regions. As with other terrorist organizations, such as al Qaeda, there are roots to the source of the evil. According to Brookes (2005), it is important to understand the many reasons for the terrorist phenomenon includes radical religious ideology, poor governance, a lack of economic opportunity, social alienation, demographic pressure, and political isolation (page 11). Although Los Zeta’s. Los Negros, or other Mexican Cartels have not been listed as terrorist organizations by the U. S. Department of State their actions are in compliance with the different definitions of terrorism. Narcoterrorist would describe what these Mexican Cartels are. The statutory definition used by National Counterterrorism Center NCTC states that terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence directed against non-combatants (Benjamin, D. 2010,August 5). According to Narcoterrorism (2010, December 6), former Peru President coined the term narcoterrorism when describing terrorist-type attacks against nation’s anti-narcotics policy. The term was originally understood to mean â€Å"the attempts of narcotics traffickers to influence the policies of a government or a society through violence and intimidation and to hinder the enforcement of the law and the administration of justice by the systematic threat or use of such violence (Narcoterrorism). FARC, ELN, Hamas, Taliban, and AUC in Colombia, and PCP- SL in Peru are all known terrorist organizations that engage in drug trafficking activity to fund their operations and gain recruits and expertise. Describing the horrific killing and torturing tactics Los Zetas use against their countrymen, government, innocent men, women, and children could be best described as simply terrorist, the best term when describing them would be narcoterrorist. Their battle against their own and the United States is not deeply rooted to a religion or some other similar ideology known terrorist organization’s base their practice on. These cartels are simply money hungry, power tripping, double crossing, unfaithful to any cause, and will burn their own to reach their desired level. The War on Drugs is not a new concept simply invented overnight by someone to calm people down or put the fear into those pushing and selling. According to Head (2011), there is a history dating back to the early 1900’s when the Harrison Tax Act of 1914 was enforced to restrict the sale of heroin and cocaine. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 attempted to tax marijuana because it was an alleged â€Å"getaway drug†for heroin uses and was popular among Mexican- American immigrants. President Eisenhower was considered the first president to literally call for a war on drugs and he stressed his determination by establishing mandatory minimum federal sentences for possession of marijuana, cocaine, and opiates. The increase in federal penalties was under the Narcotic Control Act of 1956. Today the war on drugs has made it difficult to determine what is legal and illegal. Depending on the drug and the wording of drug policy legislation, narcotics are illegal except when prescribed to a certain individual. In 1996 California legalized marijuana for medical use and both the Bush and Obama administration have arrested California medical marijuana distributors (Head). The current strategy for the War on Drugs as determined by President Obama’s drug policy coordinator, which is end War on Drugs terminology and attempt to rebrand federal antidrug efforts as simple harm- reduction strategies (Head). Head also quoted â€Å"you can’t declare war on inanimate objects, social phenomena, moods, or abstractions and it’s a rhetorical convention that has determined the way our country views drug policy enforcement (Head). If you can’t declare war on these inanimate objects, social phenomena, moods or abstractions, and you can’t declare war on a country without resources to fight a war, than how do you rid the world of narcoterrorist? It’s simply not possible. Mexico has been the main foreign supplier of marijuana and methamphetamines to the U. S. Dr ug cartels have been illegally transporting an estimated 70 % of foreign narcotics such as cocaine, heroin, and other drugs into the United States and other countries but were not transporting in such violent methods as used today (Mexico Drug War, 2011, January 3). Mexican Drug War also states that Mexico only accounts for a small share of worldwide heroin production but is the major distributor of heroin introduced into the United States. The U. S. Department estimates 90% of the cocaine is mainly produced by Colombia but entered into the U. S. through Mexico. Mexico and the U. S. borders have been used since the mid- 1980’s when Mexico had established organizations competent and reliable to transport Colombian cocaine. Mexican cartels were given 30 % to 50 % of the cocaine shipment which led the cartels to become traffickers and distributors. Although the first few decades after the development of the cartels was passive, since 2006 the Mexican Cartels have turned deadly battling for territory rights and turning on each other. According to Timeline of the Mexican Drug War (2010, December 18), the deployment of Mexican Army soldiers into Michoacan to end drug violence was regarded as the first major retaliation made against cartel violence in Mexico and was regarded as the starting point of the Mexican Drug War between the government and drug cartels. The war escalated with each increase in military troops making Los Zeta’s violence against Mexicans harsher and frequent. It was reported 150 Mexican soldiers and police officers were killed as opposed to the 500 cartel gunmen killed in 2006. Violence surged and by 2008 there was a record of 5, 630 death. The kidnapping, torture, and decapitation of seven off duty soldiers and one police commander were included in this death toll. In 2008 high ranking police officials and government officials were gunned down or executed. The decapitated heads of the off duty police officials were left in a shopping center to be found with a threatening note to the military. Their terrorism tactics have since left their marks to be remembered. With Los Zetas becoming more violent and demanding more plaza’s the need for outside and local forces free from corruption is highly in demand. Regardless of the attempts to weed out those with possible links to Los Zetas or any cartel will remain impossible to prevent the introduction of new and easily corrupted officials. This can be said for their recruitment of poor, military, law enforcement and government officials. According to Los Zetas, their main recruits are all corrupted ex- federal, state, and local police officers as well as the poor men and women and former Kaibiles from Guatemala. This group does recruit women to help run the organization. The Kaibilies are special operations force of the Guatemala military and specialize in jungle warfare tactics and counter- insurgency operations (Kaibilies, 2010 November 2). There is also hierarchy within the group, just like other organized crime organizations. According to Los Zetas there are five groups. The first group consisted of the Los Halcones (The Hawks) and they were responsible for monitoring the distribution zones. The second group is the Las Ventanas (The Windows) who are bike-riding mid- teens responsible for warning the presence of police and other suspicious individuals near small stores that sell drugs. The Los Manosos (The Tricky Ones) gathered the arms. Los Zetas employ prostitute women who are called Los Leopardos (Leapards). The Los Zetas also have the Direccion (Command) which consists of 20 communications experts who intercept phone calls, follow and identify suspicious automobiles and are also known to accomplish kidnappings and executions. All of these groups form the composition of Los Zetas (Los Zetas). Los Zetas can also be compared to al- Qaida, in that their myriads of extensive criminal activities. They kidnap, murder- for- hire, use extortion, money- launder, smuggle humans and are involved with oil siphoning. Like al Qaeda, they have adopted a cell- like structure to limit the information known about members within the organization. Los Zeta’s boldness and cells are spread globally and it has been reported that the FBI were warned that a Los Zetas cell in Texas would use full tactical response if they intervened on their operations. Los Zetas have been able to take over and lord over a great deal of territories by battling it out with their enemies. Los Zetas is mainly based in the border region of Nuevo Laredo and have established lookouts in airports, bus stations, and main roads. They are also along the Gulf Coast region, Tabasco, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Chiaps, Pacific Coast states, including Guerror, Oaxaca, Michocan, and in Mexico City. Los Zetas hires Mexican gangs such as the Texas Syndicate and MS-13 to carry out their contract killings (Los Zetas). According to the NarcoGuerra Times the DEA officials in Canada, Italy, and Mexico had arrested 175 members of the Zetas who were connected with the Ndrangheta. Los Zeta’s has been operating in approximately 47 countries and have been said to have established connections with the Italian Calabrian mafia known as Ndrangheta (NarchGuerra Times, 2009, September 19). There is research showing the Zetas and Ndrangheta had been working together for more than two years, since Europe needed the cocaine. The main reason their connection is important is because Ndrangheta is considered a major transnational criminal organization dealing in nuclear waste. Their partnership has also allowed the Zetas to advance their money laundering, real estate and human trafficking into Europe (Narco Guerra Times). Forming alliances with foreign countries organized criminal divisions will only make it harder for the Mexican government fight their war against the cartels and for these countries to fight their wars on drugs. America has been battling with the war on drugs and so have other countries’ making it harder to clean up the streets is becoming more impossible with each cell developed in other locations. Mexico’s battle with corruption within all the levels of police departments and constant recruitments with gangs across the border and international waters has made it harder for Homeland Security to fight the battle. Mexico’s war against the cartels seem to only be escalating the issue and although many of the main cartel members throughout the different territories have been brought to justice, it seems their war on that side of the border is not accomplishing much but more bled shed on both sides of the border. As one of the strongest and dominant countries, America could provide the assistance needed. Many may debate this or feel America has their hand in too many countries affairs but the fact remains the brutality and narcoterrorist tactics used by Los Zetas and other cartels will continue to increase. This is not saying President Calderon has rejected American help or has been using other security tactics to help prosecute criminals associated with known narcoterrorist organizations. According to Hansen (2008, November 20), Mexico has pursued different methods for security tactics including extraditing alleged criminals to the United States, including the head of the Gulf Cartel. They have also been actively attempting to dismantle illegal methamphetamine labs, cocaine shipments, and eradicate marijuana. This shows promise but only twenty six meth labs were dismantled between 2002 and 2007. President Calderon developed a 2008 constitutional reform that merged their Federal Preventive Police (PFP) and the Federal Agency of Investigation (AFI). The AFI is similar to the FBI and gathers intelligence and the PFP is responsible for maintaining public order but does not have investigative abilities. President Calderon constitutional reforms of 2008 also called for reforms on criminal procedures. The reforms include oral trials with public proceedings, sentencing based on the evidence presented during trial, judges who are allowed to quickly rule on search warrant requests (Hansen). Their old ways used written trial procedures that could last for years. These efforts show some willingness to adopt new and effective methods using foreign help and using modern legal methods but it is still not enough. According to Hernandez (2010, February 25), the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) based out of Vienna stated that Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina were sending out the wrong messages in their legislative and judicial developments that were aimed to decriminalize the possession of some drugs. With their declaration Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina rebutted and claimed that the INCB was overstepping their organizations mandated and were unwarranted intrusions in their countries sovereign decision-making and that the INCB has no jurisdiction over police changes made within sovereign nations. In 2009 Mexico decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine (Hernandez). Brazil replaced prison sentences with education and treatment for small-time drug offenders in 2006. In 2009 Argentina’s Supreme Court declared punishment for possession of marijuana for personal use as unconstitutional. Argentina also called INCB’s arrogant for questioning the highest judicial authority of a sovereign state. Hernandez also stated that the INCB was deeply concerned with the United States moving towards legalizing or regularizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes may send the wrong message to other countries. The INCB had a legitimate concern for these countries actions of making it easier for criminals to pursue selling and people using marijuana and other drugs. In the United States inmates are allowed to pursue an education or gain their GED to help them gain employment when released but this does not prevent repeated offenders. Taking tough actions and measures is the only way to decrease crime and drug usage. Mexico’s President taking two steps forward and then two steps back is only causing confusion for others to know what actions they need to take. The hard core facts that these Mexican narcoterrorist organizations were developed by corrupted ex military or law enforcement officials make it hard for the rest of the world to believe Mexico is competent to battle against the cartels or protect heir citizens from the unthinkable. With Mexico’s incompetence comes inpatient Americans’ willing and ready to battle for their land. When the Arizona rancher was found dead on his land it was automatically assumed illegal immigrants had killed him. Arizona government officials quickly used his death as an example to push forwa rd their Senate Bill 1070. Now other states have developed similar versions for their own state immigration laws. The growing concern has somewhat shifted from illegal immigration, to how to battle Los Zetas and other cartels. Arizona’s Bill may have opened people’s eyes to the growing problem of illegal immigrants advancing in the United States, but no one in their right mind could have ever imagined seeing those poor immigrants hog tied, gagged, and executed by Los Zetas; for trying to make it across the border. The American people don’t want the Mexican’s killed, simply accounted for. When talking about Los Zeta’s and their narcoterrorist ways, it seems impossible not to think of them as terrorist in the same class as al Qaeda. They may not share the same fanatical ideology as al Qaeda but their terrorist tactics used against the Mexican and American people is on the same level. With the vast growth of their cells spreading globally and forming alliances with known organizations handling nuclear waste, the threat they pose to all those against them is even scarier than those threats by al Qaeda supporters living in the United States. Mexico has been using underground tunnels and smuggling drugs, humans, and weapons across both sides of the borders for decades. There have been reports that al Qaeda has helped train Los Zetas recruits with similar tactics. These Mexican military deserters have trained in the same American military installation, Fort Bragg, as known al Qaedan terrorist members have. The connection is too great and should not be ignored. Los Zeta’s is in a country that has a poor economy but extremely rich in the illegal drug trade. The promise of pay, respect, and fear is what appeals to those who join their ranks. This can be said for any organization. The Mexican government will not be able to use only their military forces to combat against these cartels. Los Zetas has proven they have no loyalty to any one organization but to themselves and their greed for territory and wealth has been fueling their fire. President Calderon should not wait for a full out battle to develop between the cartels and the cartels against the Mexican military. Zetas is growing rapidly and stronger with support and alliances from other countries. Instead President Calderon should call upon Mexico’s allies for help battling them and cleaning up their streets. These cartels have gained their intelligence from working on the inside and gaining as much intelligence, expertise, and experience as possible. Their knowledge, tactics, and alliances will keep them thriving and defining who they are. It is up to the Mexican government to develop solutions to their economic crisis, drug laws, and protection of the people. Their military can only combat so long for so little pay and then they will turn to the darker side. If they paid their people enough salary there would be fewer traitors. It’s like a mother developing rules for her children and expecting them to follow without having to actually enforce them. Countries have been known to break down barriers such as Germany. Countries have also sat by and watched a power hungry Jew hating man murder thousands of innocent people before calling in the big guns. Countries should not sit idly by and watch thousands of people get slaughtered because some men in uniform are greedy for territorial rights and making money by distributing, marketing, laundering drugs, humans, and weapons. There are American military installations located across Border States and if that is what it takes, so be it. References Arturo Guzman Decena. (2010, November 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:30, January 2, 2010. From http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Arturo_Guzm%C3%A1n_Decena&oldid=399212394 Benjamin, D. (2010, August 5). Briefing on the release of country reports on terrorism for 2009. U. S. Department of State: Diplomacy in action Retrieved January 2, 2010 from http://www. state. gov/s/ct/rls/rm/2010/145734. htm Borderland Beat Reporter Overmex (2010, August 26). Zetas Massacre 72 Illegal Immigrants in San Fernando, Tamaulipas. Borderland Beat: reporting on the Mexican Cartel drug war. Retrieved December 2, 2010 from http://www. orderlandbeat. com/2010/08/zetas-massacre-72-illegal-immigrants-in .html Hansen, S. (2008, November 20). Mexico’s Drug War. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved 2010, December 30 2010 from http://www. cfr. org/publications/13689/mexicos_drug_war. htm Head, T. (2011). History of the War on Drugs. About. com Civil Liberties. Retrieved 2011, December 2, 2010 from http://civilliberty. about. com/od/drugpolicy/tp/W ar-on-Drugs-History. Hernandez, D. (2010, February 25). The International Narcotics Control Board criticizes several Latin American countries. La Plaza: News from Latin American and the Caribbean. Retrieved December 22, 2010 from http://latimesblogs. latimes. com/laplaza/2010/02/united-nations-latin-america-international-narcotics-control-board-incb-mexico-brazil-argentina. html Kaibilies. (2010, November 10). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 2, 2010 from http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Kaibiles&oldid=395893797 Los Zetas. (2010, November 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 27, 2010 from http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Los_Zetas NarcoGuerra Times (2009, September 19). Zetas/La Compania, Ndrangheta and the Nuclear Options. NarcoGuerra Times. Retrieved from http://narcoguerratimes. wordpress. com/2009/09/19/zetasla-compania-ndhrangeta-and-the-nuclear-options/ Narcoterrorism. (2010, December 6). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 2, 2010 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Narcoterrorism Timeline of the Mexican Drug War. (2010, December 18). In Wikip edia, The Free Encyclopedia Retrieved January 2, 2010 from http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? ttle=Timeline_of_the_Mexican_.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Quantitative Research Process Essay
1. seek conundrum and settle is the landing field where question is needed to close the possible action between knowledge and nursing practice. Purpose identifies the specific goal of the field of honor (Burns & grove 2011).2. Literature Review identifies the known and the mysterious of a particular hear and documents what ask to be conducted.3. Framework is the basis for the study or a theory that has been real consisting of concepts and statements that define a particular study.4. Research Objectives, Questions, and Hypotheses narrow the gap beteween interrogation problem and purpose and identify the relationship between the variables and indicate the population to be studied.5. demand Variables that are measurable, manipulated or controlled in a study. 6. Assumptions are statements that are considered true and deep-rooted in thinking and behavior.7. Limitations are restrictions that falling off credibility of findindgs.8. Research design is the innovation for the study that increases control over factors that whitethorn interfere with the desired outcomes.9. Study state hold all elements that meet qualifications for the study and the sample are subsets of the population selected.10. mode of Measurement is the process of assigning song to objects. Levels of measurement include nominal, ordinal, interval and proportion level of measurements.11. info collection is the doctrinal gathering of information important to the research purpose in which permission essential be obtained for the agency where the researcher conducts the study.12. Data analysis gives meaning to the study. Analysis techniques include descriptive and inferential analyses.13. Research Outcomes involves examining results from the research process and considers implications for further studies.ReferencesBurns, N.,Grove, Susan. (2011). Understanding nurse Research Building and Evidence establish Practice. (5th ed.).Maryland Heights, MO Elsevier Saunders.
Directing Richard III
Shakespeares King Richard the Third deals with the stem of corruption by ambition. The picnic is designed to read the tragic and rapid downfall of an evil wheeler dealer who murders, lies, and deceives in order to further his lust for authority. receivable to the fact that Elizabethan drama moves at a decidedly slower place than virtually recent stories, any modern director of King Richard the Third, who cherished to hold the interest of contemporary audiences mogul use up to trim or even eliminate roughly of the grand monologues that are a part of the sea captain play.A good example of where a monologue might be cut is the possibleness monologue of the play, which is both(prenominal) rhetorically sublime and deservedly famous. In the opening night monologue, Richard, who is fluid the Duke of Gloster, and non yet King, delivers a haunting, informative soliloquy to the audience where he reveals the deep-seated motives for the monstrous crimes he will soon commit. After wailful peace and proclaiming that he is not a lover, Richard says And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover/ To entertain these evenhandedly well-spoken days/ I am intractable to prove a villain/ And hate the idle pleasures of these days. (Richard III, 1-1)However, for a modern audience, this exposition is completely inessential and, in fact, the suspense of the play would seem to earn in an even more starling fashion if Richard did not so overtly express his motives and the audience was do to determine the motives as best they could for themselves as the play develops. The following motion-picture show amongst Richard and Anne, one of the most intense and moving scenes in all of literature, in my opinion, in fronts enough of Richards essentially sociopathic temperament and delivers enough learning concerning his motives to power as the opening scene.Due to the erotic element of the Richard and Anne scene, the deletion of the opening monologue would foster a ve ry powerful genius of acceleration and suspense. Another scene which might be beneficial to cut would be the scene between Richard and Queen Elizabeth here Richard admits to having killed her sons. This scene mirrors the earlier scene between Richard and Anne and is meant to reveal Richard as being as manipulative and persuasive as the bewilder himself.However, I find out that the scene is somewhat redundant and, again, the information about Richard and aspects of his character development which are intact to this scene are expressed elsewhere, most intelligibly in those scenes which seem to intimate that Richard is if not the devil literally in league with the devil. To further zip the plot and to further heighten suspense, these subtle references to dimmed-magic, devils, and the murky arts could be magnified.These elements are part of Shakespeares archetype play, but they were originally created with a feeling for the sensibilities of an Elizabethan audience. For a moder n audience the elements of deviltry and black magic would have to be exaggerated. One steering to do this would be to literally include explicit elements of the supernatural ghosts, demons, and perhaps even succubi and phantoms who haunt Richard and who live his macabre England.Such a portrayal would also forward the plays theme of raging, damning ambition by demonstrating how a single persons dark-vision could unleash terrible, in fact, supernatural power over an entire nation. In cases of the cult-of-personality, such a dynamic is present even if it is not literally based in the supernatural. The supernatural, however, offers a great personal manner to symbolize the power of demagogues and ambitious leaders that gravel stark and dramatic statements possible. All in all, if I were directing King Richard the Third I would counterchange very little from Shakespeares original play.The reason that I would choose to keep the play as pen up to the original as possible is because I feel the play is already a single, harmonious integral which can be rightly considered one of the superlative tragedies in the English language. I am free to concede that modern audiences may need a swifter-moving plot and a few embellishments like clear black magic and devils, but in the long run, Shakespeares original vision and his original language would still probably prove to be very compelling, memorable, and healthful for any audience.
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