Friday, March 20, 2020
Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cookies Essays
Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cookies Essays Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cookies Essay Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cookies Essay Data in sensory evaluation were analyzed using Friedman Two-way Analysis of Variance and data on the proximate composition of the control and the most acceptable treatment were analyzed using independent t -test. Results of the study were summarized as follows The result of the sensory evaluation of sweet potato cookies in terms of appearance. Treatment 2 and treatment 3 got the highest mean of 3. 75 with corresponding mean ranks of 3. 48 and 3. 35 respectively were comparable and quantitatively described as appealing. Treatment 5 was found to be the least among treatments in terms of mean rating and rated as interdepartmentally. In terms of odor, the comparison of mean ranks further indicates that the most superior among treatments was Treatment 1 (all purpose flour), quantitatively described as very pleasant. In terms f taste, all treatments were similar, quantitatively described as tasty. In terms of texture, Treatment 1 (control) was ranked the lowest among Treatments and rated as slightly coarse and Treatment 3 ranked as highest, quantitatively described as fine. N terms of general acceptability, Treatment 5 was significantly ranked the lowest among Treatments and it was rated as like moderately. Treatment 3, was found to be the most acceptable among Treatments. In terms of proximate composition, the result of analysis in terms of protein content in control was 9. 37% and in the most acceptable treatment was. 4%; the result revealed that the control has the highest protein content. In terms of crude fat, the most acceptable treatment got the highest mean value of 21. 015 compare to control with the 16. 90, this indicate that the most acceptable treatment has crude fat significantly higher than that of control. In terms of ash, the most acceptable treatment got the highest mean value of 1. 260 compare to control with 0. 805, this indicate that the most acceptable treatment has an ash significantly higher than that of control. In terms of moisture content, the this indicates that the moisture content between the two treatments could be memorable. In terms of cost analysis , the most acceptable treatment (TO) would cost 426. 16. Conclusion The results on sensory evaluation showed that there was a significant difference in odor and taste. However, in terms of appearance and general acceptability, there was no significant difference found among the Treatments. Thus, it is concluded that the proportion of sweet potato flour that was added in every treatment affects the characteristics of sweet potato cookies but not on appearance and general acceptability. The proximate composition of sweet potato cookies in terms of crude fat, ash and gesture content was significantly higher than control and in terms of protein content; the percentage of control was higher than the most acceptable treatment. Cookies with 50% sweet potato flour and 50% all purpose flour was not that economical but it is more nutritious than a commercialese cookies because it contains high level of fiber and a low gluten cookies. Based on the analysis and results, it is recommended that to conduct crude fiber analysis to determined the fiber content and to developed new products using sweet potato flour like muffins, Jams and as a food thickeners for soups.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
3 Ways to Prepare for Layoffs (Just in Case)
3 Ways to Prepare for Layoffs (Just in Case) Your company is in upheaval. Rumors are flying. The big merger is just a few weeks away and the word of the day is restructuring. While it’s always best to keep your head in uncertain situations, even if you think your job is safe, it never hurts to be prepared.Here are three things you can do now to keep yourself from being blindsided when lay-off time comes around.1. Reach out to your networkAccept the worst in advance and do something about it. Get in touch with former bosses and colleagues. Put the phone tree into action. Explain what’s happening and what you might be looking for, and ask for help. Chances are, someone you’ve impressed in the past will be willing to put your name forward in the right situation. Or, if you’re uncomfortable asking for help, ask for advice. People will be happy to give it, and will still be made aware of your situation; should anything come up, you’d come to mind. Friends and family are also a valuable support syst em, and can often come through in a pinch.2. Plan how youll present your situationAt this point, a lay-off could be part of your career narrative, whether you’d like it to or not. Start figuring out how to work it into your elevator pitch. Come out swinging. Explain the situation clearly and with confidence, and then find a way to make lemonade. Demonstrate that you know your value, in spite of the difficult situation, and that you’re already working constructively to overcome it. That kind of pluck can go a long way with a hiring manager.3. Give yourself a makeoverMake sure your cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and portfolio are all fully updated and in perfect order. Make sure these valuable networking tools are doing exactly what you want them to, and telling the story you want them to tell. Consider making yourself a new set of business cards if you think you’ll soon be on the market.The point is to prepare for the worst, but remain optimistic that it will al l turn out for the best.3 Steps to Prepare for a Potential Layoff
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