Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Taste of American Pie :: Ethnicity Mexican American Essays
A Taste of American Pie Sunday morning. The smell of flour tortillas warming on the kitchen oven would drift right to my room. I could hear the radio play scratchy ranchera tunes to which my mom consistently appeared to know the words. On the off chance that I lay long enough in bed, my mom would stroll in the room and attempt to wake me up, depending on singing my name or an old Spanish nursery rhyme if all else fizzled. Ask me where home is, and I'll reveal to you simply this. This is home. This is me. All I've at any point known is Mexican culture. Both of my folks were conceived in Mexico, and I myself have never lived in excess of a couple of hours from the fringe. I've never known a Christmas without tamales or a September 16 th without festivity. In any case, I am not simply Mexican. I am Mexican-American. Mã ©xico might be home, yet America is the place I live. I find here in school that I am simply starting to realize being American. I used to believe that I would locate that significance through a kind of duality; anything that wasn't Mexican or some portion of the minority would need to be American. Amusingly, the possibility of Americanness was nearer to home. I've come to understand that to be American is to know and offer myself. America is an aggregate of numerous societies. All things considered, it has no single, particular culture. There is nobody general American culture that is free of every one of those that make it up. The alleged blend of people groups isn't actually a precise depiction of America. This country is spotted with social enclaves that support their own traditions and customs as opposed to intertwine them with others. I, for one, would not surrender my Mexican personality to turn out to be just American. I am certain that many would concur that we are on the whole more than American. Each culture, thusly, remains in a general sense interesting, never truly softening into another. To call yourself American is to perceive that you are a little, yet necessary, some portion of a more prominent wonder.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Guide to Ethnomethodology
A Guide to Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology is the investigation of how individuals utilize social cooperation to keep up a continuous feeling of reality in a circumstance. To assemble information, ethnomethodologists depend on ​conversation investigation and a thorough arrangement of methods for methodicallly watching and recording what happens when individuals interface in characteristic settings. It is an endeavor to arrange the moves individuals make when they are acting in groups.â Sources of Ethnomethodology Harold Garfinkel initially thought of the thought for ethnomethodology at jury obligation. He needed to clarify how the individuals composed themselves into a jury. He was keen on how individuals act specifically social circumstances, particularly ones outside of the every day standard like filling in as a juror.â Instances of Ethnomethodology A discussion is a social procedure that requires certain things with the goal for members to recognize it as a discussion and prop it up. Individuals take a gander at one another, gesture their heads in understanding, ask and react to inquiries, and so on. On the off chance that these strategies are not utilized accurately, the discussion separates and is supplanted by another kind of social circumstance.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
The One Simple Trick for Picking Your Common App Prompt
The One Simple Trick for Picking Your Common App Prompt The One Simple Trick for Picking Your Common App Prompt The One Simple Trick for Picking Your Common App Prompt Our choices in life matter. Perhaps signing up for the right English class at the right time helped you discover your passion for literature. Maybe you decided to eat a day-old burrito for lunch, only to rue the decision a few short hours later. Occasionally you may turn left when you normally turn right. The world is full of options, big and small, but perhaps the largest and most daunting choice staring you in the face is: OMG WHICH COMMON APP PROMPT DO I PICK? Yes, your quivering cursor may feel like it is about to seal your fate, and maybe you don’t even have a clue which prompt to pick. Fortunately, all you need is one simple trick to discover the perfect prompt for you. We use this strategy with students every year, and it hasn’t failed us yet. But before we walk you through the prompt selection process, let’s quickly review the prompts themselves because half the battle is seeing through to the essential questions hiding behind the choices. Prompt #1: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. Translation: What, in your seventeen years on this earth, has helped shape the person you are today? This catch-all prompt will fit just about any subject that doesn’t fit within the confines of the other four Common App prompts. Experiences large and small are welcome, as long as they still resonate in your life to this day. Our only request is that you pick a subject and/or perspective that is dynamic; specific to who you are and no one else. Prompt #2: The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? Remember: a question about failure in the context of college admissions is, in fact, a question about success. Responses should aim to showcase resilience and determination. How do you deal with hardship? Try to keep these stories as positive as possible. Prompt #3: Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? In other words: When has your opinion been unpopular? This is perhaps the most challenging prompt of the Common App’s selection, as it requires you to speak passionately about beliefs and ideology. These are amorphous topics that can be difficult to mold into a compact stories, but if this prompt jumps out at you because you have a very specific story to tell or opinion to voice, run with it. Prompt #4: Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. Even though this is another “Big Ideas†question, remember: the whole purpose of this exercise is to reveal something valuable about yourself to admissions. You could also consider this prompt from an aspirational perspective: How might you positively contribute to a cause that is important to you? If you had the power to make a lasting impact in any area at all, what would it be? It is important that the problem you choose is linked to your life and world in a meaningful way. Prompt #5: Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. Keep in mind: “accomplishment†and “event,†are words that leave themselves open to interpretation. This prompt offers endless choices and flexibility, and an essay inspired by it can tackle anything from a formal event to a very small occurrence. So what’s our trick for cracking these nuts? Bury them like a squirrel. Forget them like a goldfish. That’s right: FORGET THEM. (For now.) In our experience, the best way to write a stellar, original Common App essay is to work backwards. You’ve already uncovered what the prompts really mean, so once you have determined the story you really want to tell, you’ll know which prompt will make a good fit. All of the Common App options are broad enough to accommodate almost any story. So go ahead and take some cursory inspiration from these questions â€" then focus on the information you want to reveal and the gleaming personality characteristics you want to highlight and fit your accompanying tale to the prompts later. About Thea HogarthView all posts by Thea Hogarth » Ready to get started? Give College Essay Academy a Try. WATCH CHAPTER 1 FOR FREE »
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Social Contract Between Teachers and Students...
Professor Jacob Neusner states that there exists a social contract between teacher and student, which is that true learning occurs when teachers teach students to teach themselves. In his article â€Å"What Does ‘Vocabulary’ Mean?†, Andrew Heinze asks what should professors at educational institutions do to accommodate the needs of students and address the problem with college students not comprehending basic vocabulary, and the impact this has on their performance in school. In order to address this education gap a few things need to be called to action and or either accomplished: attrition rate of teachers, parents of students need to become more involved in their children’s education, the lack of reading comprehension with students needs to†¦show more content†¦Educators cannot merely ignore this gap, but â€Å"†¦neither can [they] devote all [their] time to it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (2). They are paid to teach the subject matter specific to their s ubject and it must fall on the student to learn the vocabulary required to be proactive in the course. The problem with lack of vocabulary can be tied to the attrition rate of teachers at k-12 levels. When analyzing the problem with college students and their lack of vocabulary there are noticeable problems with the attrition rate, percent in reduction, of teachers due to either retiring, stopping teaching, or transferring to other schools. When teachers stop teaching, it greatly impacts the students who lose the ability to be taught by experienced teachers. This impacts the education high school students receive. According to Alliance for Excellent Education, â€Å"†¦the single most important factor in determining student performance is the quality of his or her teachers†(Issue Brief 1). If the quality of the teacher is the most important factor in a students education shouldn’t states and school districts focus attention on helping new teachers stay teaching a nd become experienced rather than spending money to hire and re-train new teachers every year? Since experienced teachers are not teaching students the results are detrimental on high school graduates. â€Å"Only about 30 percent of high school students read proficiently, and more than a quarter readShow MoreRelatedEducation: Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire Essay1435 Words  | 6 Pageswith education. However, it also seems that creating a just future would also necessitate the creation of many different systems of government throughout the world. If just one system existed, anyone who would not choose that system for themselves may begin to feel or actually be oppressed for a lack of conformity. 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Abruzzi and McGandy (2006) explain that Auguste Comte developed the term to support his ethical stance that humans are morally obliged to serve the interests of others, even at their own expense. From an altruism perspective the teacher should take her need to be employed out of the equation. The consequences for Del and his family would be that they are free to practice their beliefs without fear of persecution and feel included and s afe in the community. The other class membersRead MoreCharacteristics of Adults and Young People as Learners1077 Words  | 5 Pageslearners and which the savvy teacher can use to increase the motivation of the learner. We will briefly consider five barriers that can affect a learner’s participation and or learning, looking at three of them in more detail together with some apt and practical support strategies to assist the learner and finally consider and outline the differences between pedagogical and andragogical models of learning. Three main theories of teaching A) Behaviourism- education based on the principle of â€Å"stimulus
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Where to Find Free Essay Samples
Where to Find Free Essay Samples Free Essay Samples - Is it a Scam? When writing any form of academic paper, an individual should be as specific as possible. When it has to do with writing a new sort of an essay, the best method to learn the underlying principles of the academic bit of writing is to take a look at a completed paper. Life without any kind of organization is extremely stressful and not as productive. Reading completely free essays may give students realistic goals about the sort of writing they are able to aim for in the brief term. There are a large selection of resources online where students can find term papers free of charge. Finding out how to write well is most likely one of the best skills you are going to learn which could allow you to get on better in each portion of your life, and improving your odds to create money. Superior solution is to cover essay. To use the dependable service is the most important task so that submitting your essay is not going to set you in trouble. To make certain you will see a complete answer to every question, we've got a support team that's always online. When you begin writing your essay you'll have all info you need to make accurate direct quotes. If you discover that the writer did not provide precisely what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. Our writers are specially vetted and trained to make sure they work diligently to fulfill all your requirements. Despite how sad it may sound, there aren't any absolutely free essay writers, as nobody is prepared to do homework for someone free of charge. Free essay papers provide great benefits of the students. Essay writing is normally practiced is schools. Some can promise completely free essays simply to charge you heftily. College Admission Essay Samples Essay Writing Center The essay is easily the most important portion of a university appllication, see sample essays ideal for applying to schools in the Un ited States. The Fundamentals of Free Essay Samples Revealed You may make sure that you'll have a terrific essay that is totally customized for you at a cost you're able. You need to be delighted with them! For that reason, it's necessary to understand how to make complete use of an essay sample. To acquire a well-crafted and plagiarism free essay, all you've got to do is to put your purchase online. The End of Free Essay Samples The most significant thing is the caliber of essay they'd deliver eventually. The simplest approach to find out the sort of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. Not making excellent use of time can impact people in many various ways. When you have a topic, you are going to have to earn a choice concerning what way you want to approach it. Free Essay Samples - the Story No matter how you opt to use the paper, you can observe our service can be of wonderful assistance to you. Hire your very best writer-match Get your order done wit h us within just 4 hours and get the very best high high quality essay for the cheapest price. One of the greatest benefits of absolutely free essays is their availability on the web for everybody. In other instances, a completely free term paper on the internet is provided as an instance of a professional writing service's work so as to encourage seekers of term papers to employ the business's services. What is Really Going on with Free Essay Samples Free book reports are offered from an assortment of sources. It is imperative to learn to utilize it efficiently and effectively. There are a lot of Web sites and sources that provide free essays online. As mentioned here earlier, there are numerous totally free college essay samples which can be found online. One of the absolute most important aspects in any academic writing is the matter of time. Evidently, the entire essay writing procedure is very time intensive and tedious. The outline is there to make certain you start and finish in time. Your writing procedure is much like preparing a superb meal. Here's What I Know About Free Essay Samples It is crucial to understand of how critical it may be to use absolutely free essays you may come across online. An essay is deemed free if you may secure an access of it and utilize it for you own good. Your essay might have unique slants for various colleges. Reviewing essay examples are able to help you learn how to compose a high-scoring essay. The Fight Against Free Essay Samples The college would like to realize approximately you. Every student necessitates help with homework from time to time. A totally free essay is one that a student obtains without needing to pay for it. Utilizing real sample college essays that worked will provide you a wonderful idea about what colleges search for.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
St. Johns River, North Florida Free Essays
The St. Johns I have had many experiences with the St. Johns River in my life. We will write a custom essay sample on St. Johns River, North Florida or any similar topic only for you Order Now For as long as I can remember I have lived less than a mile from this river. Every activity from boating, to canoeing, or fishing I have done in the river, and every time the water has seemed clean. Over the years the St. Johns River has acquired a bad reputation for being nasty or dangerous. Anything from flesh eating bacteria from algal blooms to bull sharks have been rumored to be lurking in its waters. Though some of these rumors are true and some of them are false, one will not die upon touching the water. However, the St. Johns does need some extra attention based on tests, past and current programs, and the fish population. Many tests performed on the river reflect that the water is relatively clean. State officials over Volusia and Seminole counties have noticed that there is the potential for a water shortage in the next couple years due to population increases. If nothing is done, the ground water in this area will run out. A plan is being proposed to use surface water from the St. Johns River to supplement the ground water. State officials believe they can filter the water from the St. Johns of bacteria and use this water for drinking water. Ann Givens) The fact that the state is considering using the water in the St. Johns for drinking water shows that the water quality is good. If there were severe algal blooms, the state would not consider trying to filter the water. Many tests performed on the river are in response to the paper mills present on the river. There is one mill in particular addre ssed on Rice Creek outside of Palatka. The waste water from these paper mills is dumped from pipes into the river. Ten years ago these mills were forced to upgrade their equipment due to a toxin being released called Dioxin. Dioxin is chemical that can cause cancer produced by the chlorine reactions in the mill. The older equipment was believed to be allowing this toxin to flow into the St. Johns River. Two years ago another test was done on the Rice Creek and traces of Dioxin are still present. The general belief is that Dioxin has remained in creek residue. (Patterson, S. ) Tests similar to this are done throughout the river. The residue remaining from the Dioxin is only present in Rice Creek and is not present throughout the water system. This effort to control the Dioxin shows progress. Scientists identified that the Dioxin was present and the source and took severe action to eliminate the expansion of Dioxin. Though this effort was necessary and applauded, efforts now need to be made toward eliminating the remaining residue and removing Dioxin from the river completely. Many programs and funds have been devoted to improving the water of the St. Johns River. A major act proposed in the 1970’s was the Clean Water Act of 1972. The Clean Water Act forced Floridians to find bodies of water that are impaired due to higher nitrogen levels. Once established, the state had to institute total maximum daily loads for each of these bodies of water. The total maximum daily load (TMDL) is established â€Å"based on the maximum amount of pollutant that the water body can assimilate without exceeding water quality standards. †( Lynette, M. ) This act made progress in reducing the level of nitrogen being added in the river. Though this act passed in 1972 the problem is still present. Over the years, Florida has seen 80,000 acres of its wetlands developed. (Littlepage, R. L. This results in less water present in the system and more nitrogen in the ground water from people fertilizing their yards. If the population in central Florida continues to expand and the wetlands continue to disappear, the presence of algal blooms and the reduction of the fish population will never stop. The water removed and nitrogen added will continue to create a steeper imbalance. Also with development, central Florida is trying to take water fro m the St. Johns for drinking water for their excessively large population. This will just make the nitrogen to water imbalance even steeper. Rules and regulations need to ether be put on wetlands destruction, fertilizer use, and population limits in central Florida based on how many people their water supply can sustain. In 2006 a large sum of money was devoted to the effort of preserving the St. Johns River. Twenty seven million dollars was devoted to reducing the amount of nutrients, like nitrogen, entering the river and increasing standards for companies like Jacksonville Electrical Authority (JEA) who dump into the St. Johns River. The mayor’s office made JEA increase its standards for dumping waste water into the river and expand its programs for reusing water. This would reduce the amount of waste water dumped in the river and reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that enter the river from the JEA plant. (Littlepage, R. L. ) A major concern in the St. Johns is the fish population. The largest pollutant in the river is nitrogen from excess fertilizers that flow into the groundwater and into the river. The plant life of the river feed on this nitrogen. More nitrogen then leads to more plants. As the plant population increases problems such as algal blooms on the surface of the water occur. With the algal bloom situation the lower section of the water is blocked or partially blocked from sunlight. This leads to less plant life on the floor of the river and thus less oxygen in the water. With the lack of oxygen the fish population will plummet soon after. In 1994, an experienced bass angler by the name of Doug Gilley did an interview for the Orlando Sentinel. In this article he provided his professional insight on the change destruction of the bass population from 1984 to 1994. Ten years before this article was written, it would be no surprise for him to catch â€Å"10, 20 or even 50 fish in a day. †(Wilson, D) Doug was not the only one who had noticed this drastic decrease in the bass population. State fisheries agreed with him. They have noticed that the â€Å"large bass almost have disappeared from the river and that the number of mid-sized bass are declining. †(Wilson, D. ) I personally have noticed the decline of fish from the river. My brother and I are avid fisherman and enjoy fishing for just about anything. We lived a quarter of a mile from the river so often we would take my grandfather’s bass boat and go fishing in the river. However, no matter how much we prepared, we would never catch more than maybe one or two fish. This change shows how all the different pollutants are having a large impact on the fish population and if action is not taken species like the largemouth bass could be eliminated from the river. Fishing is not the only recreational activity that takes place in the St. Johns. Activities such as skiing and tubing take place daily during the spring and summer months. These are essential for Florida’s economy. When people are going out in their boats, many aspects of the economy are helped. People must buy gas for their boat, food to eat while they are on the boat, and other items. This also attracts tourists. By my house at a local marina, every summer they hosted a wakeboard camp for people to come learn how to wake board. Hundreds of people would come to learn how to wakeboard and have fun in the water. These people bought many things during their stay thus boosting the Florida economy. However, if the water is not maintained and kept clean, events like these cannot occur. Tourists would not be willing to get in the water and would take their business elsewhere thus restricting north Florida’s economy. In closing, the St. Johns River is not dangerous as far swimming and boating are concerned but there are pollutants being dumped into the river that need to be addressed or eliminated. If nothing is done, based on tests done on the water, past and current programs, and the fish population the wildlife, the quality of the St. Johns will continue to plummet. The river damage will become impossible to fix and potentially impossible to swim or use for any recreation. The repercussions of this would be exponential. Water shortages could occur along with Jacksonville losing its appeal as somewhere to live. Citations Page Ann Givens of The Sentinel Staff. (2001, Feb 16). St. Johns River may slake our thirst the St. Johns water district plans to process river water in a three- year test to see if it can be made drinkable. Orlando Sentinel. Lisenby, L. (2007, Jul 11). Growth must be controlled to protect the St. Johns River. Florida Times Union. Littlepage, R. L. (2006, Jan 10). St. Johns River’s health deserves major effort. Florida Times Union. Lynette, M. M. , John, R. W. , K, R. R. (2004). Nitrogen and phosphorus flux rates from sediment in the lower St. Johns River estuary. Journal of Environmental Quality, 33(4), 1545-1555. Patterson, S. (2010, Aug 10). With mill pipeline still in doubt, old dioxin haunting rice creek research: Traces of a cancer-causing substance could still exist and be funneled into the St. Johns River. McClatchy – Tribune Business News. Wilson, D. (1994, Sep 09). Veteran angler says bass fishing on St. Johns River deteriorating. Orlando Sentinel. How to cite St. Johns River, North Florida, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
View from the Bridge Essay Example
View from the Bridge Paper The third key conflict occurs after an awkward argument occurs and Catherine asks Rodolfo, you wanna dance flushed with revolt Rodolfo knew that this will only make things worst so he makes up an excuse that he is tired in order to show that he is uncomfortable dancing at such a tense moment. The next disagreement occurs after the dancing. Catherine offers to make some coffee for everyone after her behaviour towards Eddie as an act of peace. During her absence Eddie and Rodolfo have a boxing match suggested by Eddie but he accidentally punches poor Rodolfo in the face. Catherine, Marco and Beatrice are alarmed but most of all Rodolfo. Eddie chose Rodolfo instead of Marco to have a boxing match with because Eddie could no longer keep his anger bottled up so he found an opportunity to physically hurt Rodolfo. Additionally, he chooses Rodolfo as he wanted to see if he would fight back like a man, He didnt give me the right kind of fight the guy aint right. Therefore, he still believes that Rodolfo is homosexual. However, Marco will not tolerate his little brother being hurt and will punish any one who does so. Therefore, Marco shows his masculinity when he arrogantly says, can you lift this chair to show his strength and to warn Eddie that he is standing on thin ice. Due to the constant disagreement between the family and the family siding with Rodolfo, Eddie feels alone and is alone in thought. Even Eddies close mates, Louis and Mike, like Rodolfo more than Eddie as they find him hilarious. This foreshadows the final scene in the play. At the beginning of act two, Catherine and Rodolfo are home alone and are discussing their future together. Catherine says that she would like to live in Italy as she thinks that this is the only way that she can break free from the hold that Eddie has on her. However, Rodolfo refuses this idea and is insistent that they will never go back to the poverty and uncertainty of life in Italy. She then tries to persuade him to move to Italy again as she believes that she is breaking Eddies heart. She no longer wants to distress him as he was a good man, I took out of my own mouth to give to her. The discussion then ends as Catherine tells Rodolfo that she loves him and they then walk into the bedroom. We will write a custom essay sample on View from the Bridge specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on View from the Bridge specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on View from the Bridge specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This suggests that Catherine and Rodolfo are committed to each other and also that their love is true. Therefore, the audience now realise that all of Eddies accusations of Rodolfo are perhaps false. In addition, at the start of act two, Alfieri describes the dropping of the Scotch whisky. The significance of describing this item is too show that one of the characters, Eddie, is going to get drunk as the play develops. Therefore, the technique foreshadowing is used again as it gives the audience a hint or clue about what is going to happen. When Eddie arrives home we see him drunk (Scotch whisky) and he sees Rodolfo leaving Catherines bedroom. This builds up tension and drama in the play as Eddie is drunk and his emotions are running high therefore, making his actions very unpredictable. Eddie is shocked to see Rodolfo coming out of Catherines bedroom so he shouts at him so that he can go and pack up his bags. Catherine tries to prevent Eddie from making Rodolfo leave so he tells him that she will leave as well. Eddie then tries to show Catherine that Rodolfo is gay by kissing him on the lips. He even kisses Catherine to show Rodolfo that he is the only one with the right to kiss Catherine. It also suggests that Eddie is more masculine than Rodolfo. In another instance Eddie is very livid at everyone that he seeks advice from Alfieri about his situation as he is isolated in his beliefs about Rodolfo (interlude 5), On December 27th I saw him next. Alfieri tells us this date as it is close to Christmas and this date is normally when the whole family is together. It also shows us that Alfieri is dedicated towards his job and Eddie is in serious trouble. When Eddie enters the room the room turns dark to indicate that something horrendous is going to happen or that Eddie is carrying a large burden. Miller uses words like, dream transfixed to show the audience that Alfieri is working late and also to prove that the experience was almost unreal. Alfieri again tries to prove to Eddie that the law cannot do anything, the law is nature. Therefore, he uses a metaphor to appeal to the lighter side of Eddies nature. He tells him that if he goes against the law then he may possibly die. Eddie finds this very difficult to believe and that he can do nothing about it. At this stage Eddie feels powerless. The only option he has will lose him the respect of his society, which is to confess about how the brothers entered America so he foolishly, without thinking of the consequences acts upon anger. Arthur Miller uses the technique dramatic irony when Eddie calls the immigration bureau. When the brothers and the family find out, they are astonished in Eddies behaviour. After this Marcos true colours begin to show and his loyalty and love for his younger brother Rodolfo emerge. He humiliates and embarrasses Eddie in front of the whole community and even spits on him. Eddie believes he deserves an apology however; Marco is not going to give it to him so Marco ends Eddies life by plunging the knife into his heart. I believe that Eddies death was due to a number of reasons; his life was very similar to dominoes tumbling down on each other. Each action lead to another and perhaps if he never did one of his foolish the other dominoes may have never fell therefore, acts he may of never died. On the other hand Eddie wasnt a malevolent person to begin with. Eddie only transformed into a tragic hero when he thought that a member of his family was going to get her heart broken. So he may be perceived as a loving and slightly over protecting parent by other people. Moreover, Eddie becomes the tragic hero in the play as he has many weaknesses (hubris) which lead to the destruction and death of him and his surroundings (Beatrice looses a husband. ) However, he was respected and loved by the entire community. Although he rejected the idea of Catherine going to work at first he did allow her in the end. So all these factors make his death more tragic and when the audience see him die they may cry as they know that he wasnt always this arrogant and big headed, His eyes were like tunnels. This technique is known as catharsis. Miller provides us with catharsis when Eddie realise how wrong he has been when the two women support him when he dies. He is also forgiven by the people who love him most. Additionally, AVFTB is a tragedy due to the fact that it contains a devastating and dramatic ending. In interlude six, Alfieri will not bail Marco out as he believes that this could be the only way to prevent the death of Eddie Carbone. Alfieri is afraid that if he bails Marco out then he will act on revenge (Sicilian social code) on what Eddie previously did therefore; Marco isnt following the American social code of law and justice. Marco is following the Italian social code which is to get revenge and justice the way that they believe that it should be, In my country he would be dead now. This will mean the death of our tragic hero, Eddie. However, Alfieri doesnt want this to happen as Eddie is a good friend and person so he tells Marco, Only God Marco. Therefore, he is trying to tell Marco that only God has the right to take away life and that he shouldnt be so ignorant. When Marco finally agrees that he wont do anything to harm Eddie, Alfieri bails him out and then they all leave the stage but Alfieri leaves in a processional tread to show the audience that he is more civilised than the other characters and that he doesnt carry the same social codes as he used to. This illustrates that Alfieri tries to the best of his ability to change Eddies final fate as in the beginning he doesnt seem bothered at all (walks into darkness) however, now he is trying to make amends of his previous error. After Eddie dies by the hands of Marco (interlude 7) Alfieri says, Most of the time we settle for half and I like it better. This quote has several meanings behind it for example; it is how Alfieri begins and ends the story to show that Alfieri knew that this would be the final outcome. It also states that perhaps some people should have settled for half like Eddie and if Eddie did settle for half (let Catherine and Rodolfo have a relationship) then he may have never died. He sees the cup of his life as half empty. On the other hand many people did settle for half and their life wasnt that bad like Beatrice and Alfieri. It is also trying to tell the audience that when many immigrants migrate to another country they normally have to settle for half as it is better than nothing at all and also because they not fully from that country. Therefore, it touches upon many political views like homosexuality, immigration. Etc. It also summarises the themes of AVFTB, such as: immigration, social codes, appreciation. Etc. This suggests that there is moral to be learnt by the audience which is to be appreciative of what you already have (see the cup of your life as half full) or otherwise you will probably end up with less. In conclusion, I believe that Alfieri is the view from the bridge as he sees the bigger picture throughout the story. He is probably so well qualified to see the whole picture/ story as he is the omniscient narrator in the play who tells the story in a flashback. He could also be the bridge as he allows immigrants to arrive and depart from one place to another. Arthur Miller perhaps wrote this story to show the experiences that many immigrants had when he grew up, as he is also an immigrant. These are things like rejection from some plays that he wrote as we know that most of his plays werent a success. I believe that he could have written the play to emphasise the political status of immigration. The structure of the Greek tragedy is perfect for this drama as it fits into the points that Arthur Miller was trying to portray. In addition, Alfieri is the perfect character to tell the story as he connects the audience to the characters as both the audience and Alfieri are observer of the play. Therefore, he expresses some of the thoughts that the audience may have. Finally, he is also the perfect person to narrate the story as he can relate to each and every character and is totally impartial. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section. Download this essay Print Save Not the one? Search for
Friday, March 20, 2020
Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cookies Essays
Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cookies Essays Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cookies Essay Sensory Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cookies Essay Data in sensory evaluation were analyzed using Friedman Two-way Analysis of Variance and data on the proximate composition of the control and the most acceptable treatment were analyzed using independent t -test. Results of the study were summarized as follows The result of the sensory evaluation of sweet potato cookies in terms of appearance. Treatment 2 and treatment 3 got the highest mean of 3. 75 with corresponding mean ranks of 3. 48 and 3. 35 respectively were comparable and quantitatively described as appealing. Treatment 5 was found to be the least among treatments in terms of mean rating and rated as interdepartmentally. In terms of odor, the comparison of mean ranks further indicates that the most superior among treatments was Treatment 1 (all purpose flour), quantitatively described as very pleasant. In terms f taste, all treatments were similar, quantitatively described as tasty. In terms of texture, Treatment 1 (control) was ranked the lowest among Treatments and rated as slightly coarse and Treatment 3 ranked as highest, quantitatively described as fine. N terms of general acceptability, Treatment 5 was significantly ranked the lowest among Treatments and it was rated as like moderately. Treatment 3, was found to be the most acceptable among Treatments. In terms of proximate composition, the result of analysis in terms of protein content in control was 9. 37% and in the most acceptable treatment was. 4%; the result revealed that the control has the highest protein content. In terms of crude fat, the most acceptable treatment got the highest mean value of 21. 015 compare to control with the 16. 90, this indicate that the most acceptable treatment has crude fat significantly higher than that of control. In terms of ash, the most acceptable treatment got the highest mean value of 1. 260 compare to control with 0. 805, this indicate that the most acceptable treatment has an ash significantly higher than that of control. In terms of moisture content, the this indicates that the moisture content between the two treatments could be memorable. In terms of cost analysis , the most acceptable treatment (TO) would cost 426. 16. Conclusion The results on sensory evaluation showed that there was a significant difference in odor and taste. However, in terms of appearance and general acceptability, there was no significant difference found among the Treatments. Thus, it is concluded that the proportion of sweet potato flour that was added in every treatment affects the characteristics of sweet potato cookies but not on appearance and general acceptability. The proximate composition of sweet potato cookies in terms of crude fat, ash and gesture content was significantly higher than control and in terms of protein content; the percentage of control was higher than the most acceptable treatment. Cookies with 50% sweet potato flour and 50% all purpose flour was not that economical but it is more nutritious than a commercialese cookies because it contains high level of fiber and a low gluten cookies. Based on the analysis and results, it is recommended that to conduct crude fiber analysis to determined the fiber content and to developed new products using sweet potato flour like muffins, Jams and as a food thickeners for soups.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
3 Ways to Prepare for Layoffs (Just in Case)
3 Ways to Prepare for Layoffs (Just in Case) Your company is in upheaval. Rumors are flying. The big merger is just a few weeks away and the word of the day is restructuring. While it’s always best to keep your head in uncertain situations, even if you think your job is safe, it never hurts to be prepared.Here are three things you can do now to keep yourself from being blindsided when lay-off time comes around.1. Reach out to your networkAccept the worst in advance and do something about it. Get in touch with former bosses and colleagues. Put the phone tree into action. Explain what’s happening and what you might be looking for, and ask for help. Chances are, someone you’ve impressed in the past will be willing to put your name forward in the right situation. Or, if you’re uncomfortable asking for help, ask for advice. People will be happy to give it, and will still be made aware of your situation; should anything come up, you’d come to mind. Friends and family are also a valuable support syst em, and can often come through in a pinch.2. Plan how youll present your situationAt this point, a lay-off could be part of your career narrative, whether you’d like it to or not. Start figuring out how to work it into your elevator pitch. Come out swinging. Explain the situation clearly and with confidence, and then find a way to make lemonade. Demonstrate that you know your value, in spite of the difficult situation, and that you’re already working constructively to overcome it. That kind of pluck can go a long way with a hiring manager.3. Give yourself a makeoverMake sure your cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and portfolio are all fully updated and in perfect order. Make sure these valuable networking tools are doing exactly what you want them to, and telling the story you want them to tell. Consider making yourself a new set of business cards if you think you’ll soon be on the market.The point is to prepare for the worst, but remain optimistic that it will al l turn out for the best.3 Steps to Prepare for a Potential Layoff
Sunday, February 16, 2020
PROJECT and investment report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
PROJECT and investment report - Essay Example This trend is majorly visible in China. In India, although there are strong government regulations against the practice of consuming wine, the young generation of the country are increasingly showing greater interest towards wine drinking. This paper presents a comparative study of the social-economic, political and financial conditions of two countries, India and China. Based on the information revealed, a particular country is chosen in which an Australian wine producing firm might invest for making international expansion. 2. Market Research Market size and potential growth Country China India Potential demand Drinking wine is one of the oldest traditions in China. This tradition can be dated as long as 5000 years back in the history of the country to. Brewing was a dominant industry in China. Wine made from food grains (such as rice) and grapes are the most favourite drinks for the people of China. This shows that the potential demand for wine in the country is quite high. Recent studies reveal that wine consumption by the population of China is showing an increasing trend over the period of last ten years. According to various researchers, consumption of wine by the Chinese would almost become double of the current figure (UPENN, 2012). Pattern of changes in the society as well as the economy has been the major thrust behind the changing trends in wine consumption in China. The market for wine in India is changing. The rise of the retail industry and the growing middle class in India acts as a catalyst to the growth of wine industry in the country. According to recent research, wine consumption in India reflects tremendous growth since the beginning of the 21st century. Wine market in India has increased by almost 30 percent between 2003 and 2010. As a result of globalization, India has been exposed to western culture. The middle class in the country is fast accepting and adapting to the western fashion. Although India does not have a heritage of drinking wine, practice of wine consumption is increasing, particularly, in social occasions. In the past, only the males in elite class used to patronize wine drinking culture. However, presently, the high income middle class is gradually becoming a loyal customer base for wine sellers. Costs Cost of the product is determined by the cost of the raw material used in the production of the good and cost of other inputs. Grapes are one of the major ingredients used in wine production. China has grape vines covering 1.25 million acres. Half of the produce is dedicated for the production of wine (G. G. Brostrom and J. Brostrom, 2008). Since there is adequate availability of grapes in China and cheap labour is also available, costs of producing wine in China is not very high. In India, the government protects the domestic wine industry against competition from foreign producers. Although cheap labour is available in abundance, other ingredients, such as grapes, are costly. This makes cost of produ cing quality wine quite high in India. Sellers often discriminate among the target customers with regard to pricing policies. While prices of certain products are lowered to attract more customers, while prices of premium brands are kept high. The premium products are generally consumed by the rich customers, who have a taste for wine developed through consuming wine over a long period of time. Degree of competitiveness China is emerging as a super market for global
Monday, February 3, 2020
Ethnography Assignment Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethnography Assignment Worksheet - Essay Example a between the black and white races in the Old Fourth Ward, and the Auburn Avenue’s main drag was called â€Å"the richest Negro street in the world†(McCall). There are also numerous films based on racism and class system that have been made in the past. One such film is A Day Without a Mexican in which a pink fog draws the Mexicans out of California. My fieldwork site is a park in the Downtown Manchester, NH. The neighborhood immediately surrounding my fieldwork site is like mixed commercial and residential. It is easy for me to get to my site since it is located in my home-city. The Veterans Park consists of a stage area for concerts and a memorial for fallen soldiers. I observed that the park is not divided and homeless and non-homeless people are mixed within the park. The US flags have been used to decorate the park. The park is next to a main street, which makes it sound like a typical city with the noises of people, cars, trucks, and traffic. Usually, the noise is more during the day than the night since the load of traffic in the night is lesser and also, the birds that chirp around during the day recede to their nests in the night. The land in the park is all covered in thick grass which is very pleasant and sweet to the smell. Occasionally, car fumes can be smelled as well, particularly when they are parked with a rush. The park setting is both relaxing and comfortable. Since it is a park, there are benches placed around the periphery of the green areas. The land is mostly covered in grass with concrete walkways running through the open areas. Many people bring food and eatables with them as the natural beauty makes the park a nice picnic spot. Most of the people are from the working class. Spceially, the civil servants and the private sector employees from surrounding buildings visit the park for recreation and timepass. Mnay visitors are middle-aged though the community of visitors is diverse as the visitors come with their families i ncluding children
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Femininity And The Female Body Cultural Studies Essay
Femininity And The Female Body Cultural Studies Essay The stereotypical gender roles given by the society are female being feminine and male being masculine. The social expectations of male masculinity and female femininity are described by Mc Cubbin and Blum Dahl, former professors at the University of Minnesota, as Men should be brave, strong, ambitious and aggressive, while keeping their feelings under control; Women should be gentle, nurturant, passive, dependent, and expressive of their feelings (Mc Cubbin and Blum Dhal, 2005, 189). The term femininity involves a social process in which a female sex is recognized with certain traits and characteristics. These traits are marked by the society the moment she is born hence, creating a sexual difference of being a woman. The construction of gender identity by our surroundings if further described by Bornstein as, Then theres gender attribution, whereby we look at somebody and say, thats a man, or thats a woman. And this is important because the way we perceive anothers gender affects the way we relate to that person. (1995, p. 26). A woman meant to be feminine and the degree of femininity she possesses is evaluated by the way she dresses up, the way she speaks, the way she walks, her body language and most importantly her beauty. Paintings, fashion photographs, news photographs, pornographic images, magazines differ in the way they are utilized but, they all interconnect in the representation of femininity and the female sexuality. The photograph by a renowned photographer Horst P. Horst (See Appendix, Figure 1) will be analysed to discuss the feminist issue of measuring a females value through her appearance and the feminism, the feminist theories against it and also representing women as surreal objects. Horst P. Horst was a German American photographer who is famous for his fashion and women photography. The Mainbocher corset is regarded as one of his iconic photographs created for Vogue in1939 (Koetzel, 2003). The image consists of a woman sitting on a bench seen from behind. She is wearing a back lacing corset and looking down through her right arm. The whole image encompasses a feel of a power less woman. However, when seen in different angle, it can give a different meaning altogether. The corset, a piece of underwear, which has a long history connected to it had long been part of a female body. A female wore tight-laced corset in order to define her waist more blatantly. Fontanel depicted the transformation of a female body as a great silky insect with outspread wings (1997, p. 49). In addition to making the waist line more evident, corsets cause breasts to heave and make buttocks stand out creating a slender and seductive silhouette. Therefore, a female wears a gracious instrument of torture so as to transform into a desired shape. Moreover, in the nineteenth century the tightly laced corsets were outrageous and lunatic and caused hindrance in the movement. Dubios in his book An Examination of five plagues regarded corset as one of the plagues as it causes terrible physical damage; deformation, breast sagging etc, when worn for longer duration (Fontanel, 1997). Likewise, it lends a female her femininity but, not a healthy one. Feminists argue that the act of theorizing the body is especially pertinent to women (Carson, 2001, p. 117). Moreover, the bodies of women are controlled by men and are idealized for male consumption. Beauvoir (1997) describes woman as the Other and writes, No biological, psychological or economic fate determines the figure that the human female presents in society; it is civilization as a whole that produces this creature (p. 295). In other words, the culture has created an idealized female body image and is represented in Horsts image. On the contrary, the unravelled corset is recuperating the depiction of the female body from stereotyping. It is portraying womens; freedom from corset, freedom of movement and freedom from conventional gender role. The image also surfaces the notion of surrealism. The word surreal is defined as characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions. Surrealism was an artistic movement founded at the beginning of the 18th century. Andre Breton, the founder of the movement wrote a Surrealist Manifesto and described surrealism as, based in the belief in the superior reality of certain previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dreams, in the disinterested play of thought (Mikics, 2007, p. 292) . In other words, surrealism eradicates the borderline between real and unreal and conscious and unconscious. It is a new way of seeing the world. Hence, moving out of the ordinary and getting into the imaginary world. Surrealism: decontextualizing an everyday object and transposing it to an unusual or socially unacceptable place in order to highlight its status as sign. Women have always been the primary subjects of criticism and display and so they are in surrealism. Horsts image focus on one of the most persistent notion of surrealism that is fetishization. The corset is a fetish object creating erotic and provocative image, thus, arousing sexual desire for the object being displayed. According to Freud, it is as though the last impression before the uncanny and traumatic one is retained as a fetish pieces of underclothing which are so often chosen as a fetish, crystallize a moment of undressing, the last moment in which women could still be regarded as phallic (As cited in Wood, 2007, p.32). In other words, the corset accentuates female body parts and shapes her body into an hour glass figure. The less natural her appearance, the more seductive she [] looks (Fontanel, p. 52). This brings up the idea of transforming womens bodies for mens pleasure. In addition, the image also seizes the moment where women is submissive and have no control over m ens desires. Feminists are against the objectification of the female body and representing it as fetishised object as seen in the image. A more modern concept however, is that the corset allows a woman to express her sexual freedom. Women feel more sexy in a corset. It is no longer considered part of a Victorian era dress code, but simply as sexual leisure-wear. the female control over male desires, and the males control over the female body. Conclusion:othing is so lively, so lovely, as deathly pallor: Embracing the body, the corset frames a story to stir the emotions and set the imagination free.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Education Requirement Essay
1. Should there be a minimum education requirement for the beauty therapist job? Discuss Before answer this question, we should discuss about job analysis. Job analysis is the systematic process of determine skills, duties and knowledge required to performing jobs in organization. One of the purposes job analysis is to answer what qualifications are need to perform the jobs Back to our question, owner of Tangerine Center Sdn Bhd want to upgrade their business service. She want to offer more service such as spa, beauty consultant, skin therapist and medical esthetics. Based on new job descriptions and job specifications, beauty therapist should have minimum education requirement. 2. What is your opinion of Jenny’s effort to upgrade the people in the organization?. Jenny’s effort to upgrade the people in organization is good for her business. Maybe after upgrade her staff, her business can get more income. She should consider human resource management function before proceed with upgrading plan. i. Staffing She should ensure always has proper number of staff with appropriate skill, qualified and suitable number of staff. She also should have good job analysis to ensure his mission will accomplish. ii. Human Resource Development Training is important part in staff development. She should give more training to her staff in order to improve their skill. Her staffs have basic knowledge and skill as beautician. Enhancement program will improve their ability and soft skill knowledge. Another important part in human resource development is organization development. She should make her business more effective. Improve in tool and equipment will make her business more competitive. iii. Compensation When she upgrade her staff qualification, she should pay higher than staff with basic qualification. Total staff cost will increase and she should have proper plan to increase revenue. As conclusion, Jenny’s effort will give good effect to her business when she upgraded the people in the organization. 3. What legal ramifications, if any, should Jenny have considerer? As an employer, Jenny should be aware of the rules and guideline for hiring and recruiting an employee. This is for major law to follows ; i. Employment Act 1955 : A Guide To Malaysian Labour Laws ii. Workmen’s Compensation iii. Children and Young Persons (Employment) Act 1966 (Revised 1988) iv. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Drilling for Oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge
The United States should not drill for oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge because it would harm the environment, disrupt the animals, and destroy plants. The United States Congress created the Artic National Wildlife Refuge in 1980 (To drill or not to drill?: 6). The Artic National Wildlife Refuge is also known as ANWR (To drill or not to drill?: 6). The Artic National Wildlife Refuge is 19.6 million acres of wilderness (Scalzo, Jim Lo.: 37). Of the 19.6 million acres in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge 17.5 million acres are permanently closed to development. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is often called the American Serengeti (Defenders of Wildlife). The Artic National Wildlife Refuge lies in the northeast corner of†¦show more content†¦Pipelines and oil-drilling platforms will harm caribou, polar bears, and millions of migrating birds (Come on in.: 38). Whenever some country drills for oil it is more likely than not for that country to have an oil spill. Oil spills are deadly to animals, hard to clean up, and it takes the land thousands of years to recover. The United States has already had one major oil spill off the coast of Alaska in Prince William Sound. If another large oil spill occurred on the water it would have a substantial effect on whales and other marine wildlife (Experts say Alaska Oil Drilling Hurts Wildlife: 43). There are over 130 bird species that find breeding, nesting, or resting places on the coastal plain (Defenders of Wildlife). All of the oil will be pumped down the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline no matter what. Then it is loaded onto tankers and shipped out of Prince William Sound, but the tankers that the oil is being shipped in are at an enormous risk for having an oil spill. This is because most of the ships that pick up the oil are not doubled hulled. The vast majority of oil shipped from Alaska is carried in aging tankers with higher risk of leaking. Only 3 of 26 have double-hulls and those are more than 20 years old. There are three main oil companies who carry oil out of Alaska; Phillip, BP, and Exxon. The first of Phillip s four new Millennium Class double-hulled tankers to be built was christenedShow MoreRelated Oil Drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge Essay2014 Words  | 9 PagesOil Drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge The main issue presented in my research involves the debate between environmentalists and the United States government on whether to open and develop a portion of the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the northern coastal plain of Alaska for the purpose of drilling for oil. Environmentalists argue that opening up this region of ANWR to future oil drilling would destroy the current ecosystems, disrupt animal habitats and adversely changeRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming1779 Words  | 8 Pageshuman health, and wildlife. (Consequences of Global Warming). 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Today, it is my goal to persuadeRead More We Should Allow Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)2541 Words  | 11 Pagesforeign countries for oil and the tight control that these exercise on the energy policies and economics of America. Many of these instances include: the oil embargos of the 1970s, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, and the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. Since the 1970s, one solution offered to reduce our nations dependence on foreign countries for oil has been opening up drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Proponents say that drilling in ANWR would make
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Organic Food Inequity on University Campuses - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1851 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/07/30 Category Food Essay Level High school Tags: Organic Food Essay Did you like this example? Summary The demand for healthy food has become ever increasing on college campuses due to students focus on sustainability and the desire for improved health following a limited exposure to healthy foods after an upbringing of favorable eating habits. As college students undertake the responsibility of making their own food choices, the most common and pushed for program offered by universities is a meal plan. However, universities like the University of Arizona, that offer food from a variety of small restaurant options instead of the traditional cafeteria environment, lack in providing wholesome plant based meal options for its students. In addition to analyzing barriers to organic food supply in a cafeteria setting such as the one described above, this paper will propose long term solutions that can be adapted into the system in place. The study will focus on The University of Arizona and area surrounding Tucson, AZ where a sustainability initiative has propelled the university to identify and rectify unsustainable practices. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Organic Food Inequity on University Campuses" essay for you Create order Introduction The concepts of organic farming were first developed in the early 1900s yet demand for organic food did not increase until the 1960s when Rachel Carson brought attention to the fact that extensive use of insecticides resulted in negative impacts on the environment and human health. Through public demand, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) later added the National Organic Program (NOP) to regulate organic production. Consumers have various reasons for buying organic food, but due to decreasing environmental conditions and a worldwide focus on holistic sustainability measures, sustainable agriculture included, organic food is being demanded more than ever before. Addressing sustainability with a focus on agriculture is the next step for the University of Arizona. It is essential that permanent food options and long- lasting partnerships with farms practicing sustainable operations are established and maintained. Sustainable agriculture focuses on the use of techniques that create permanence. This means that soil fertility is maintained by the crops chosen, that renewable resources are given preference, that pollution is minimized if not eliminated, and that biological balance is cultivated (Balfour). Organic Food Trends and Perceptions Consumers often express that choice of eating organic food is a result of health reasons, food safety, environmental concerns, taste and nutrition, or a combination of some or all those reasons, yet in practice, there are other factors that alter a consumers buying behavior. Some trends that illustrate attitudes toward organic food include: A consumers intention to buy organic foods is best predicted by egoistic motives, not altruistic motives (Magnusson et al, 2003). If the consumer already knows that organic food is overall beneficial, but identifies a personal benefit such as improved health, then they are more likely to go out of their way to regularly consume organic products. There is a direct link between age and consumer preference. The younger the person, the increased the likelihood of them displaying a positive attitude towards organic foods (Magnusson et al, 2003). This is important because institutions like universities serve the post-millennial generation. Accessibility hinders an individuals ability to purchase according to their purchase criterion (Grankvist and Biel, 2001). In other words, an individual may feel very strongly about the environment and wish to support organic farms, but not be able to do so in practice. The reason is unclear if it is the presence of strong habits that overcome purchasing criterion. Studies have found that the belief that organic food products are viewed as expensive and therefore not purchased regularly is false. The correlation between income and organic food consumption is not very strong at all. Organic food consumption did increase, but only until income reached about A$35,000 per annum (Lockie et al, 2002). Lockie then goes to say that a third of low-income consumers, those earning less than $20,000 a year, still purchased organic foods due to interest in consuming them (Lockie et al, 2002). As formal education level increase so does organic food consumption. This is a result of a deeper understanding of food composition. For example, when consumers understand genetically engineered foods, they are more likely to refuse to buy them (Lockie et al, 2002). University students demonstrate a slight deviance from these trends due to situational conditions regarding cost and accessibility. For example, about half of students surveyed at Brescia University College were on some form of financial aid. Another 52 percent indicated living on campus and having a university meal plan (Hamilton and Sharareh, 2018). Students who have a limited income or whose food choice is limited are at a massive disadvantage especially because it is also noted that students in every area of study are knowledgeable in organic food and would be willing to pay the increased cost of eating organically if barriers to their eating behavior were not present (Hamilton and Sharareh, 2018). Another study concluded that university students primarily base their food- purchasing behavior on taste, followed by value for money, convenience, then cost (Tam et al, 2017). Respondents were then asked to recommend improvements to the campus food environment. The most popular sugges tions were that the university provide healthier food for a lower cost and more freshly cooked/prepared foods (Tam et al, 2017). This reinforces the fact that people between the ages of 18 to 24 see the value of eating more healthy and balanced meals. Food has a continuous context in societies, and at the heart of the issue is a consumers ethics and values. Buying behavior is all subjective, but trends can be analyzed to get a deeper understanding of how the food system should respond to the fact that more consumers wish to consume organic food products than ever before. Current Standing, Tucson, AZ The city of Tucson has struggled with increasing poverty and food insecurity for several years. Pima county had a poverty rate of 18.70 % in 2015 (See Fig.1). In addition, 19.20 % of households were recorded to be food insecure in 2013-2015 (See Fig.2). Of the population residing in Pima county 218,481 individuals had low access to a store in 2015. This is a 5.91% drop from 2010 (See Fig.3). In the year 2016, there is record of 27 farmers markets operating in the Pima county area. The composition of sold products is unknown (See Fig.4).Current Standing, The University of Arizona. The University of Arizona is considered a food desert. This means that access to affordable and fresh food is a major barrier to college students. There are a few programs available for students that help alleviate the problem. Programs Available to University of Arizona Students There are options available to University of Arizona students that aid in alleviating food insecurity and providing a healthy food option. Nrich Urban Market Nrich Urban Market has fresh juices, nut butters, produce and healthy products that are nutritious. All the products and foods are dietitian- approved. Nrich facilitates healthy snack options for students, as well as offers cooking classes that teach students how to eat healthy at home. UA Campus Pantry The UA campus pantry is open two days a week. Students simply need to show up with their CatCards and are able to grab four items of their choice at no cost to the student. Fresh produce may also be available as campus pantry is partnered with UA community garden. This provides students with the peace of mind that for two days out of the week they can count on having food, without the stress of cost. Market on the Move Food For All, a committee within Students for Sustainability (SFS) which leads sustainable policy efforts on campus, focuses on fighting food insecurity on campus and the surrounding Tucson area. Food For All is responsible for bringing Market on the Move, a 3,000 Club program, to the University of Arizonas farmers market. Market on the Move sells 60 lbs. of fresh produce for $10. They have agreed to work with the university in order to provide students with a cheap resource. The University of Arizona lacks whole food options, currently has no focus on providing organic food to students, and zero initiatives to establish a year-round site where students can obtain fresh groceries at a reasonable price. Working with the System in Place A Case Study, University of California Berkeley There are many universities that have expanded their food options for students, serving only fresh, local, and native food and food products. UC Berkeley has notable programs in place that focus on sustainable food, waste reduction, and gardens. The main focus of their cafeteria service is on plant- forward cooking. UC Berkeley uses ingredients that are sustainably sourced and communicates to consumers that the food served follows guidelines that promote: Transparency Freshness and Seasonality Small portions of meat And Whole Foods These principles have resulted in garden-to-table partnerships, place- based produce sourcing, and sustainably and ethically sourced animal products (CalDining). In 2006, UC Berkeley was the first to have a certification by California Certified Organic Farmers, making their salad bar the first organic- certified salad bar in the United States (Krupnick). The salad bar is located in some residential dining halls, providing a 100% organic food option for students on meal plans, as well as those paying meal to meal. UC Berkeley is taking steps to make organic food a primary option for its students. AASHE Stars Program Sustainability Tracking, Assessment Rating System (STARS) is a program of aashe that measures the sustainability performance of universities (). The most recent year The University of Arizona reported information was in 2017. This data will be analyzed to identify where improvements can be made. Sustainable Dining category. Score: 1.75 out of the 2.00 points The University of Arizona did not receive points for the following categories: Published sustainable dining policy Host low impact dining events Provide sustainability- themed meals Inform customers about low-impact food choices through signage Provide reusable or compostable containers and service ware for to go meals Other materials management initiatives to minimize waste Food and Beverage Purchasing. Score: 0.00 out of 6.00 points The University of Arizona did not receive points for the following categories: Local and community based or 3rd party verification Dining services minimize purchase of conventional animal products Strategies for Improvement UC Berkeley earned more points in both categories than the U of A. By observing what policies and practices Berkeley has implemented, successfully reducing food inequity resulting from use of organic food, policies can be proposed as to what the university of Arizona can do to increase the use of organic food while maintaining price low for students. Strategy 1: Propose a Vegan Dining Program Add an additional window to businesses like Cactus Grill, offering solely vegan and vegetarian options. Include 100 % organic products. Main Goal: Provide students with an option for them to use their meal plan on meals that are healthy. Students want to eat foods that are nutrient rich. This will eliminate one of the barriers students face and increasing organic food consumption. Strategy 2: Work with already established platforms to prioritize organic food sourcing By restructuring the contracts the university has with businesses, such as Core, Nrich Urban Market, and others, it will be able to smoothly transition into an all organically sourced student union. Main Goal: Ascertain that the food being served at the University of Arizona is of the highest nutritional value by using organic ingredients.
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